2018 Exoplanet Archive News

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For current news, see the Exoplanet Archive News page. For other news archives by year, see the 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2011-12 archives.

For a compilation of weekly tips that have appeared in past news items, see the Tip Archive.

To view only the most recently added planets and updated parameters (default and non-default), see this pre-filtered and pre-sorted interactive table.

Note to our users: We've changed our link format in the news so you can easily access overview pages for both planet hosts and their planets. Clicking on either the host name or the planet letter takes you to the object's respective overview page.

December 21, 2018

We Have an #Exoplanets2018 Winner!

No new planets were added this week, so the final #Exoplanets2018 planet count is the same as last week's: 3,869 planets! Congratulations to our winner, Jake Taylor (a.k.a. @AstroJake), who guessed there would be 3,852 at the end of 2018. It was the closest entry we received without surpassing the final planet count. In case you're wondering, there were 297 confirmed exoplanets added to the NASA Exoplanet Archive this year, including the first TESS confirmed planet that was announced in October.

We would like to extend a big thank you to everyone who played along this year, and congratulations again to Jake!

See You in 2019!

The NASA Exoplanet Archive staff is on a winter break from Dec. 22 through Jan. 1, during which there will be no data or software updates. Responses to Helpdesk tickets and social media may also be delayed. We wish everyone a cozy and relaxing holiday season, full of earthly and astronomical surprises.

If you are attending the American Astronomical Society (AAS) winter meeting in Seattle, Washington, stop by the NExScI booth and say hello!

December 13, 2018

Seven Transiting Planets: This week we have seven new planets, including a four-planet system discovered by the K2 mission and three WASP planets: K2-285 b, c, d, & e, and WASP-161 b, WASP-163 b, and WASP-170 b. This brings our total confirmed planet count to 3,869. View the data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables.

#Exoplanets2018 Update: We are getting very close to announcing the winner of our #Exoplanets2018 contest! We will make the announcement in early January during the 233rd American Astronomical Society winter meeting. If you are also attending the meeting in Seattle January 6-10, stop by the NExScI booth and say hi!

December 6, 2018

New Planets: We've added 14 new planets this week from various papers: HD 4917 b, HD 180053 b, HD 94834 b, HD 72490 b, HD 18015 b, HD 14787 b, HD 13167 b, CoRoT-21 b, LHS 1140 c, GJ 1265 b, GJ 3779 b, HATS-59 b & c, and KOI-3680 b.

View the data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables.

ExoFOP TESS Public Data: With the end of the beta-test validation period, TESS planetary candidates are now available to the community through NExScI's Exoplanet Community Follow-up Program (ExoFOP) TESS site. There are currently 164 Tess Objects of Interest (TOIs) identified by the TESS Project. TESS Project follow-up priorities and dispositions, as well as summaries of what has been followed up from the ground, are also available to the community.

November 29, 2018

We've added eight new radial velocity planets and two new microlensing planets, bringing the total exoplanet count to 3,848.

The new planets are: GJ 317 c, HD 33142 c, HD 95089 c, HD 99706 c, HD 102329 c, HD 116029 c, HD 156279 c, HD 114783 c, MOA-2016-BLG-319L b, and MOA-2011-BLG-291L b. Also, there are new parameters for pi Men b and eight new parameter sets for three microlensing planets: MOA-2016-BLG-319L b (two sets), MOA-2011-BLG-291L b (6 sets), and TCP J05074264+2447555 b (2 sets).

View the data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables. In addition, the new MOA and TCP data appear in the Microlensing table.

November 15, 2018

One new planet, K2-284 b, has been added this week, plus new planet parameter sets for pi Men b & c (a.k.a. HD 39091 b & c). The new planet is a sub-Neptune orbiting a young star found by the K2 mission. View the data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables.

November 8, 2018

We've added the data for pi Mensae c (a.k.a. HD 39091 c), the first published planet to be discovered by the Transiting Exoplanet Sky Satellite (TESS) mission! The planet is a super-Earth and orbits around an extremely bright star that is known to host another planet (HD 39091 b).

Note: The TESS planet host star was previously known to host a longer-period planet and was added to the archive as HD 39091. As a result, the archive default name for pi Mensae appears as HD 39091 in the interactive tables. When using our Explore the Archive search interface on the home page, you may enter pi Mensae c (or its abbreviation pi Men c) or HD 39091 c to get the same result.

We've added an additional 10 planets this week as well. They are: GJ 96 b, KMT-2016-BLG-1820L b KMT-2016-BLG-2142L b, KMT-2016-BLG-1397L b, MOA-2015-BLG-337L b, OGLE-2013-BLG-1761L b, WASP-147 b, WASP-160 B b, WASP-164 b, and WASP-165 b. These planets bring the total confirmed planet count to 3,837!

View their data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables. In addition, the new MOA, KMT, and OGLE planets and parameters appear in the Microlensing table.

October 30, 2018

NASA Announces End of Kepler Spacecraft Operations

Today marks the official end of Kepler space telescope operations as announced in a media teleconference earlier today, thus closing a historic era that has revolutionized our scientific understanding of planets and other planetary systems.

For 9½ years, Kepler and K2 observed more than a half-million stars and enabled the confirmation and characterization of thousands of exoplanets, and named thousands of additional planetary candidates that are yet to be confirmed. Prior to Kepler's launch in 2009, the total number of known exoplanets hovered around 400. Today, that number is closer to 4,000, thanks in large part to the Kepler and K2 missions. See our Exoplanet and Candidate Statistics page for a breakdown of Kepler Mission counts.

When the NASA Exoplanet Archive came online in December 2011, Kepler was already in space and had discovered 19 planetary systems. As the designated home to Kepler's pipeline products, the archive expanded its tools and services to serve Kepler data and products, including Completeness and Reliability products, Threshold-Crossing Events (TCEs), Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) deliveries, Kepler Astrophysical Positional Probabilities, Kepler Astrophysical False Positive Probabilities, Kepler Certified False Positives, Kepler Stellar, and Kepler Names. Additionally, the archive ingested Kepler light curves as they were made available to the public and created ExoFOP-Kepler, ExoFOP-K2, and ExoFOP-K2 Campaign 9, three sites that enable astronomers to share follow-up data and facilitate collaboration. The archive continued ingesting data and products from the K2 mission: Targets, Candidates, and Names.

For a round-up of all Kepler data and data products, hosted both at the archive and MAST, see the Data Product Overview page.

Some additional archive resources featuring Kepler include:

Kepler's active operations may be over, but new NASA missions like the TESS and Webb space telescopes will build on Kepler's success in the search for life in the Universe.

October 26, 2018

28 Planets This Week! We've added 19 K2 planets from Livingston et al. 2018, 8 WASP planets from Hellier et al. 2018, and 1 microlensing planet with 5 solutions from Poleski et al. 2018. We've also added 60 new sets of planet parameters.

The new planets are: OGLE-2011-BLG-0173L b, WASP-144 b, WASP-145 A b, WASP-158 b, WASP-159 b, WASP-162 b, WASP-168 b, WASP-172 b, WASP-173 A b, K2-268 b & c, K2-269 b, K2-270 b & c, K2-271 b, K2-272 b, K2-273 b, K2-274 b, K2-275 b & c, K2-276 b, K2-277 b, K2-278 b, K2-279 b, K2-280 b, K2-281 b, K2-282 b, and K2-283 b.

View their data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables. In addition, the new OGLE planet and parameters appear in the Microlensing interactive table.

October 18, 2018

This week we've got five new transiting planets from K2: four in a very compact system (K2-266 b, c, d, & e), and one short-period, Jupiter-sized planet (K2-267 b).

These bring the archive's total exoplanet count to 3,798. View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planets table and the Composite Planet Data table.

October 11, 2018

New K2 Light Curves from Five Campaigns: We've added 128,653 K2 light curves from campaigns 2, 14, 15, 16, and 17 to the archive. Access them through the K2 Targets Search interface (specify a campaign number, click Submit Search, then click on Download Data Products and select Download Results Time Series Wget Script).

Kepler Data Products Overview: The Kepler project produced a wide range of data products and documentation to assist the community in using data from the mission to help study both exoplanets and other astrophysical areas. These data range from engineering data on the detectors to lists of planet candidates and include many of the intermediate data products in the data processing path. The Kepler Data Product Overview page was created to provide a single location with links to all products and their documentation. There are more than 40 data products listed, which are hosted either at MAST or the NASA Exoplanet Archive.

The page is located at: Data Product Overview page. There is also a downloadable PDF of the page. The following diagram illustrates the categorization of the data products:

(Click to enlarge)

Three Planets Added, One Removed: This week we added Kepler-1656 b, K2-265 b, and NGTS-2 b to the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables. We also removed Kepler-503 b based on a published refutation.

Updated Movie! We've updated our Exoplanets: Cumulative Detections by Discovery Year movie with 2018 data, which you can access from the Videos and Pre-generated Plots pages.

September 27, 2018

KOI DR25 Supplemental Data: The Kepler mission has released a supplemental KOI DR25 data set with updated dispositions for 9,564 planet candidates and false positives. Where the DR25 dispositions were automatically generated, and should continue to be used for statistical analyses of the data set, the supplemental dispositions have been manually updated to reflect the project's latest information on a given candidate, and should therefore be used to assess the validity of a given planet candidate.

The release also includes a small set of "orphaned" KOIs that were excluded from the initial Q1–Q17 DR25 release because they were not found by that version of the pipeline. For details, see the KOI delivery documentation. For the data, consult the Q1–Q17 DR25 KOI Supplemental interactive table, or download the data using our API. Use the table name q1_q17_dr25_sup_koi in your queries. Here is a pre-built query to get you started:

Note: In the Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) DR 25 Supplemental release, seven confirmed planets were dispositioned as false positives by the Kepler False Positive Working Group. In the absence of a peer-reviewed, published refutation, the objects remain listed as confirmed planets in the Exoplanet Archive. The planets are: Kepler-468 b, Kepler-469 b, Kepler-470 b, Kepler-628 b, Kepler-840 b, Kepler-854 b, and Kepler-1415 b.

Twelve New Planets, 47 New Parameter Sets: We've added 12 new planets to the archive, including nine radial velocity planets and 47 additional sets of parameters found by the N2K project and published in Ment et al. 2018. The new planets are: K2-263 b, K2-264 b & c, HD 55696 b, HD 98736 b, HD 148164 b & c, HD 203473 b, HD 211810 b, HD 148284 b, HD 217850 b, and HD 75784 c. View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planets, Composite Planet Data, and Extended Planet Data tables.

September 20, 2018

We've updated various stellar parameters for 2,705 confirmed planet host stars with data from Gaia's second data release (DR2). The updated parameters include: parallax, distance, proper motion, stellar effective temperature, stellar radius, stellar luminosity, systemic radial velocity, and photometry.

Specific Gaia data columns are included in the Confirmed Planets interactive table for photometry (G-band), proper motion, parallax, and distance; in the Composite Planet Data table, updated values have "Gaia DR2" references. The values can also be found on the objects' Planet Host and Confirmed Planet overview pages. Gaia Milky Way Image Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC

Gaia data in the Confirmed Planets table:

Gaia data in the Composite Planet Data table:

Gaia data in a Planet Host Overview page:

September 6, 2018

Mind the Fulton Gap: We've added data for Wolf 503 b, which is the new close-in planet that gives us new opportunities to learn more about why there is a significant drop in planets within the 1-4 Earth radii range (a.k.a. the Fulton gap). See its star or planet overview pages, or find it in the Confirmed Planets and Composite Planet Data tables. Image credit: B.J. Fulton, Caltech/IPAC

An Influx of Insolation Fluxes: We've added data from Berger et al. 2018 for 2,123 Kepler planets and 1,519 Kepler stellar hosts to the Extended Planet Data table. If you use the Composite Planet Data table, you'll notice these updates increase the number of insolation fluxes by almost 600%!

44 New Microlensing Parameter Sets: We've also added new parameter sets for 44 microlensing planets in the Microlensing table.

August 23, 2018

We've added WASP-174 b to the archive, as well as new parameter sets for HD 89345 b and K2-232 b. View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planets table and the Composite Planet Data table.

August 16, 2018

Two New K2 Planets! We've added K2-260 b and K2-261 b this week. View the planet data in the Confirmed Planets table and the Composite Planet Data table.

MORE Microlensing Madness: We've added 15 parameter sets to the Microlensing table, six of which are new archive defaults!

Enhanced Pre-generated Plots: Our pre-generated scatter plots have been enhanced with new symbols and colors to make them easier to view. Check out the Pre-Generated Plots page to see and download them all. Note: The color blind-accessible plots have the new symbols, but the colors are unchanged.

Also, we've added new emission spectroscopy data for Qatar-1 b and HAT-P-13 b.

August 9, 2018

One New Planet: We've added HD 26965 b, an exoplanet found using the radial velocity method, bringing our total planet count to 3,775. View the planet's data in the Confirmed Planets table.

Microlensing Madness: We've added 30 parameter sets to the Microlensing table, which more than doubles our microlensing holdings! Browse the interactive table or download data by wget or web query with our API. (Here's a pre-built query to help you get started: https://exoplanetarchive.ipac.caltech.edu/cgi-bin/nstedAPI/nph-nstedAPI?table=microlensing.)

August 2, 2018

The archive has added the data on the 72 K2 Campaign 10 planet candidates from Livingston et al. 2018. View the data in the K2 Candidates interactive table (filter the Reference Link column with Livingston or the K2 Campaign column with 10), or download the data set using our application programming interface (API).

July 19, 2018

Two new confirmed planets were added this week: CoRoT-20 c and IC 4651 9122 b. These planets bring the archive's total confirmed planet count to 3,774. If you submitted a guess in our #Exoplanets2018 contest last January, we still have 29 possible winners! Are you one of them? Let us know through social media.

We've also made some updates to the default columns in the Confirmed Planets and Composite Planet Data tables:

Column Table What Changed
Planet Name
Confirmed Planets Changed from non-default to a default column
Discovery Facility
Confirmed Planets Changed from a non-default to a default column
Planet Name
Composite Planet Data Added as a new column and set as a default
Year of Discovery
Composite Planet Data Added as a new column and set as a default

† A default column is a parameter that automatically displays in an interactive table upon initial loading, or when an API query requests all default columns. Please update your API queries accordingly.

July 13, 2018

We've added 24 new K2 planets, all from Campaign 10, published in Livingston et al. 2018, as well as new planet parameter sets for 22 K2 planets from the same paper. The new planets are:

Find their data and default parameter sets in the Confirmed Planets table, or ALL of their published parameter sets in the Extended Planet Data table. You may also view a combined parameter set for each planet listed above in the Composite Planet Data table. See the June 15, 2018 news item (below) for details.

Additionally, the following planets have new parameter sets that can be accessed in the Extended Planet Data table:

  • K2-106 b
  • K2-131 b
  • K2-140 b
  • K2-152 b
  • K2-153 b
  • K2-154 b & c
  • K2-156 b
  • K2-158 b
  • K2-159 b
  • K2-162 b
  • K2-224 b
  • K2-225 b
  • K2-226 b
  • K2-228 b
  • K2-229 b & c
  • K2-230 b
  • K2-233 b & c
  • HD 106315 b & c

July 5, 2018

This week we have added 13 new planets! These include:

There are also several additions to stellar and planet parameters for GJ 1132 b, WASP-47 b, c, d, and e, K2-106 b, and c, HAT-P-11 b, GJ 9827 b, c,and d, and updated masses for 49 planets from Hadden & Lithwick 2017

We have also added transmission spectra for WASP-127 b, HAT-P-26 b, WASP-107 b, WASP-96 b and GJ 1132 b, two emission spectra for WASP-18 b, and microlensing parameter sets for OGLE-2017-BLG-0482L b and OGLE-2017-BLG-1140L b.

We have also made a series of changes to the database column names for the Microlensing Table Specifically, we have:

  • changed the database column name for "Angular Einstein Radius [mas]" (from mlradein to mlradeinang)
  • changed the database column name for the "Instantaneous Planet-star Projected and Normalized Separation" (from mlsmaxpnorm to mlsepinsnorp)
  • removed the database column "Degeneracy Type" (mllensseptype)
  • added the database column "Planet Mass [Earth mass]" (mlmassplne)

Please make sure to change your API queries accordingly!

And finally, we have added the K2 Campaign 17 and 18 Targets, which are now available through the K2 Targets Search interface. To see the list, enter 17 or 18 as a K2 Campaign column constraint and click Submit Search.

June 15, 2018

Announcing the New Composite Planet Data Table!

In response to user requests, we've created the Composite Planet Data Table—a more complete table of planet parameters drawn from multiple references and/or calculations. This table is intended to help users who need a more "filled in" table to enable a statistical view of the known exoplanet population and their host environments. Each parameter's reference is provided in the table.

Please use this table's information on any one planet or stellar host with caution, as the parameters in a given row may not be self-consistent.

Learn more about the table, and its caveats, on its About page, and get details on how the archive calculates the table's values on the Composite Calculations page.

Access the table from its button in the Work With Data area of the home page:

...or from the Data pull-down menu on any archive web page:

The Composite Planet Data table is also accessible through the our application programming interface (API). Read the API User Guide to learn how to construct a query for command-line or automated data retrieval. All of the available planet and stellar parameters and their descriptions are listed in the Composite Planet Data Table Definitions document.

If you are not sure whether to use the original Confirmed Planets table, the Extended Planet Data table, or the new Composite Planet Data table for your research, the following graphic illustrates their differences. More explanation is provided in the About the Composite Planet Data Table document.

Once you've had a chance to work with the new table, please let us know what you think! Contact us through social media, or submit a Helpdesk ticket.

June 7, 2018

We've added five MORE planets this week: HD 47366 b and c, HD 89345 b (a.k.a. K2-234 b), EPIC 211945201 b (a.k.a. K2-236 b), and NGTS-3 A b. View their data on their respective Planet Host or Confirmed Planet overview pages, or go to the Confirmed Planet interactive table.

May 24, 2018

Five transiting planets have been added to the archive this week, and one planet, BD+20 1790 b, was removed based on Carleo et al. 2018. The new planets are: HATS-43 b, HATS-44 b, HATS-45 b, HATS-46 b, and HATS-7 b. View their data on their respective Planet Host or Confirmed Planet overview pages, or go to the Confirmed Planet interactive table.

May 17, 2018

This week we've added one microlensing planet, OGLE-2017-BLG-1434L b, which is a super-Earth that orbits a very small and cold M-dwarf. Because the host star is so small and cold, the planet is located about twice the distance from the star's "snow line," which is where where ice forms in the system. For comparison, the snow line in our Solar System is 2.7 AU; the snow line from OGLE-2017-BLG-1434L is only 0.6 AU.

More interesting details about the planet and its host can be viewed on their respective Overview pages, and in the Confirmed Planet interactive table. Also, the microlensing model solutions can be found in the Microlensing Planets interactive table.

April 26, 2018

Eight More Planets! This week the archive added KPS-1 b, the first transiting planet discovered by an amateur astronomer; K2-233 b, c, & d, three small planets orbiting a bright nearby K-star; 24 Boo b and gam Lib b & c, which are planets orbiting evolved giant stars; and OGLE-2017-BLG-0373L b, a Saturn-sized planet orbiting an M-star.

View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planet interactive table, or click on the host star or planet names above to view their respective overview page.

We've also made a series of data updates, including new parameters for the K2-155 system, model parameters for OGLE-2017-BLG-0373 b in the Microlensing Planets Table, and a series of stellar and planet parameter updates based on Gaia data (Stassun, Collins & Gaudi 2017).

April 12, 2018

Six More Planets! This week's newcomers are HATS-39 b, HATS-40 b, HATS-41 b, HATS-42 b, HD 158996 b, and OGLE-2017-BLG-1522L b. View their respective Overview pages, or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.

2017 UKIRT Data Added: All data from the 2017 UKIRT Microlensing Survey of the Galactic bulge are now publicly available here on the NASA Exoplanet Archive! This release increases the archive's UKIRT holdings to more than 52 million light curves.

The 2017 data are in two near-infrared filters (H and KS) and cover 10.5 square degrees. An initial analysis of these data led to the first microlensing planet discovered in the near-infrared: UKIRT-2017-BLG-001L b. At over 20,000 light years away from the Earth, this UKIRT-discovered microlensing planet is one of the most distant exoplanets known.

Browse the UKIRT documentation for details, search for specific time series, or download the data in bulk. See the UKIRT Figures page for coverage maps.

April 6, 2018

Four Planets Added: We've added K2-231 b, K2-232 b, Kepler-1655 b, and MOA-2010-BLG-117L b this week. View their respective Overview pages, or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.

We've also removed HD 202206 b based on Benedict and Harrison (2018).

March 26, 2018

We've added two new planets this week that were discovered using the microlensing technique. The first planet, UKIRT-2017-BLG-001L b is the first microlensing planet to be detected solely in the infrared. The second planet, OGLE-2017-BLG-0173L b, is a super-Earth that is similar to the K2-18 system, where the b planets have similar Earth masses and orbit very closely to their parent stars, making comparisons of these two systems potentially very interesting.

View the data for both planets on their respective Confirmed Planet Overview pages, or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.

We've also added new parameters for the K2-229 system that appears in Nature today, "An Earth-sized exoplanet with a Mercury-like composition."

Lastly, we've also added new transmission spectra for WASP-39 b, which was recently found to host a large amount of water in its atmosphere.

March 8, 2018

We have some exciting updates this week!

  1. Redesigned Transit and Ephemeris Service: The Transit Service is a planning tool for astronomers who want to know when exoplanet events, such as transits and orbital phase quadratures, will be happening, and when they can be observed. The pedictions are based on information contained in the NASA Exoplanet Archive from the published literature, or input by users.

    This redesigned and enhanced version accommodates several new features, including:

    • Access to more data sets, including K2 Candidates,
    • the ability to upload multiple files, each with up to 100 object names,
    • the ability to load parameters from specific references,
    • the addition of new observation planning parameters.

    In addition, the service now allows users to specify settings for ephemeris selection, algorithm preference, and target visibility constraints. Learn more about the service in the updated User Guide, or start using the service to get some predictions.

  2. Updated Microlensing Table! We have released a revamped version of our table dedicated to exoplanets discovered using the microlensing technique! The new table identifies a default model for each planet and is designed to automatically filter the table to show only the default model for each planet. The table also features an expanded array of microlensing-specific parameters, now includes column groupings, and is replete with revised and updated documentation.

    The table is also now accessible by command line using the archive's application programming interface, which can be used for automated queries. See the API User Guide for more information.

    Currently, the database contains only the default model for each of 12 microlensing exoplanets, as well as one non-default model for one of those 12 exoplanets. Over the coming months we will continue to ingest models, default and non-default, for all of the published microlensing exoplanets.

    You can access the Microlensing table in the Data drop-down menu from any archive web page.

  3. One new planet added! This week we have added Kepler-1654 b, discovered and characterized in large part by NExScI project scientists. This Jupiter-sized planet is one of the longest-period planets known to transit, with a 2.8-year orbital period and transits lasting almost an entire day (23 hours). With only five other transiting planets known with longer orbital periods, Kepler-1654 b represents an opportunity to characterize the atmosphere of a Jupiter-like planet in a Jupiter-like orbit around a Sun-like star.

    See its Confirmed Planet Overview page for the data.

March 1, 2018

One new microlensing planet, TCP J05074264+2447555 b, from the Transient Objects Confirmation Page, has been added this week, as well as three new emission spectra for WASP-103 b, KELT-1 b, and KOI-13 b. The new planet is about half the mass of Neptune and orbits a star that is only 380 pc away—making it the closest known microlensing discovery to date.

Find the new planet in the Confirmed Planets table and the spectra in the Emission Spectroscopy table.

February 22, 2018

This week we have added the HD 215152 system, which contains four super-Earth mass planets with periods shorter than 26 days, discovered using the radial velocity method. The Confirmed Planets interactive table contains all the archive's confirmed planet data, and this pre-filtered table contains only the new planets.

February 15, 2018

With 95 newly confirmed K2 planets added this week, the total K2 planet count now exceeds 300! This brings the total number of confirmed planets to 3,700.

One of the interesting discoveries is a planet in a 10-day orbit around HD 212657, which is one of the brightest stars found by Kepler and K2 to have a transiting planet, making this planetary system amenable to more detailed follow-up and characterization. The planets found in this work, as with Kepler, are mostly super-Earths and mini-Neptunes.

Read the Mayo et al. 2018 discovery paper and press release, and browse the planet data in the Confirmed Planet interactive table. (To display the new planets at the top of the table, scroll to the table's far right to the Date of Last Update column, and filter on 2018-02-15. See the user guide for instructions.)

This work was led by Andrew Mayo, who, as a Harvard undergraduate, led a group of scientists from institutions around the world, including NExScI. He's now a Ph.D. student at the National Space Institute at the Technical University of Denmark. Well done, Andy!

Image credit: Andrew Mayo, Technical University of Denmark

February 5, 2018

We have a small bumper crop of K2 planets this week, as well as KELT and TAPAS discoveries. The 17 new planets and their stars are: K2-146 b; K2-147 b; K2-148: b, c, & d; K2-149 b; K2-150 b; K2-151 b; K2-152 b; K2-153 b; K2-154: b & c; K2-155: b, c, & d; KELT-21 b; and BD+48 740 b.

There are also several additions to stellar and planet parameters for K2-117 b & c, K2-122 b, and K2-123 b.

View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planet interactive table, or click on the host star or planet names above to view their respective overview page.

January 25, 2018

Added: Two planets orbiting lithium-rich giants!

HD 238914 b and TYC 3318-01333-1 b are two massive planets found around evolved giant stars whose atmospheres contain lithium. This discovery is significant because lithium-rich stars that host planets support a theory that evolving stars can swallow planets that are in inner orbits—evolved, red giant stars like these shouldn't have lithium in their atmospheres, but swallowed planets would pollute them. These new planets in the outer reaches of these stellar systems suggest that inner planets were indeed engulfed by the stars during their evolutionary expansion into giants.

View the planets' data in the Confirmed Planet interactive table. You may also click on the host star names above to view their respective Confirmed Planet Host Overview page.

One Planet Removed

We have also removed GJ 15 A b from the archived based on a published refutation. See the Removed Targets page for details.

January 18, 2018

Three planets added this week!

K2-141 is a K dwarf star containing two planets: an ultra-short period (6.7 hours) super-Earth with a mass five times that of the Earth (K2-141 b), and a Neptune-sized planet in an eight-day orbit (K2-141 c). The density of the super-Earth is consistent with the planet having a rocky composition, with iron making about < 70% of the mass.

We've also added HATS-36 b, which is a Sun-like star hosting a Jupiter-sized planet in a four-day orbit. Discovered by the HATSouth Exoplanet Survey, HATS-36 was also observed by K2 in Campaign 7 and has also been named K2-145.

View the planet data in the Confirmed Planet interactive table, or see each star's Confirmed Planet Host Overview page for a summary of its stellar and planetary data. (Enter the host star name in the Explore the Archive search box on our home page or the Advanced Search page and click Search.)

We have a winner!

Congratulations to citizen scientist Andreas Eloy Martinez Rojas (@eloycam2012) for winning the first round of #Exoplanets2018 ! He submitted a guess on what the total number of confirmed planets will be in the NASA Exoplanet Archive by the end of 2018 and won the random drawing for all submissions. If you sent us a guess before the Jan. 11 deadline, you are still in the running for the year-end prize! Now let's go find some exoplanets!

API Update: Blend Flags Removed

The maintenance of the blend flags has been discontinued, so the flag parameters have been removed from the Confirmed Planets (exoplanets), Extended Planet Data (exomultpars) and Mission Stellar (missionstars) tables. Please update your API queries as needed.

Deprecated Confirmed Planet (exoplanet) Flag Parameters: st_plxblend, st_optmagblend, st_teffblend, st_massblend, st_radblend, st_plxblend, st_pmrablend, st_pmdecblend, st_pmerrblend, st_radvblend, st_spstrblend, st_loggblend, st_lumblend, st_metfeblend, st_ageblend, st_vsiniblend, st_actsblend, st_actrblend, st_actlxblend, st_ujblend, st_vjblend, st_bjblend, st_rcblend, st_icblend, st_jblend, st_hblend, st_klbend, st_wise1blend, st_wise2blend, st_wise3blend, st_wise4blend, st_irac1blend, st_irac2blend, st_irac3blend, st_irac4blend, st_mips1blend, st_mips2blend, st_mips3blend, st_iras1blend, st_iras2blend, st_iras3blend, st_iras4blend, st_umbjblend, st_bmvjblend, st_vjmicblend, st_vjmicblend, st_vjmrcblend, st_jmhh2blend, st_hmk2blend, st_jmk2blend, st_bmyblend, st_m1blend, st_c1blend

Deprecated Extended Panet Data (exomultpars) Flag Parameters: mst_teffblend, mst_massblend, mst_radblend, mst_loggblend, mst_lumblend, mst_densblend, mst_metfeblend, mst_ageblend

Deprecated Mission Stellar (missionstars) Flag Parameters: st_j2mblend, st_h2mblend, st_ks2mblend, st_wise1blend, st_wise2blend, st_wise3blend, st_wise4blend

January 11, 2018

First Planetary System Discovered Entirely by Citizen Scientists!

NExScI researcher Dr. Jessie Christiansen led a group of astronomers from around the world and an army of 10,000 citizen scientists from Exoplanet Explorers, which was co-founded by Dr. Christiansen, in the discovery of K2-138, a five-planet system. The five planets are all super-Earths or mini-Neptunes that have orbital periods spanning 2 to 12 days.

This is the first multi-planet system to be discovered entirely by citizen scientists, the process of which is described in the Caltech press release. You can also read the Christiansen et al. 2018 discovery paper.

Data for K2-138 and its planets (b, c, d, e, and f) have been added to the archive. The archive has also added KELT-19 A b, a hot Jupiter orbiting an Am-star, which is the first detection of a planet orbiting these bizarre A-stars that have enhanced metals but are deficient in calcium. See the Confirmed Planets table for the planets' data.

Fun Fact: The K2-138 planets orbit in an interesting mathematical relationship called a resonance, in which each planet takes almost exactly 50 percent longer to orbit the star than the next planet further in. This is the longest system with a chain of unbroken resonances in this configuration, and may provide clues to theorists looking to unlock the mysteries of planet formation and migration.

January 5, 2018

Happy new year! We are back and ready to roll out new planets!

  1. Six Planets Added: To kick off 2018, we've got one planet discovered by radial velocity and five more by transit: HD 147379 b, K2-140 b, HATS-50 b, HATS-51 b, HATS-52 b, and HATS-53 b.

    The Confirmed Planet interactive table contains all of the archive's confirmed planet data, while this pre-filtered and pre-sorted table contains only the new planets and updated parameters for this week.

  2. Kepler Stellar Supplemental Data: The Kepler project delivered a Q1-Q17 DR 25 Kepler Stellar Supplemental data set containing corrected metallicities and the resulting derived stellar parameters for 779 stars that were incorrect in the original DR 25 table. This supplement can be accessed through the Kepler Stellar search interface, as well as our application programming interface (API).
  3. Announcing #Exoplanets2018! Here's your chance to predict the future and win prizes! We're having a contest where you can guess what the total confirmed planet count will be in the Exoplanet Archive at the end of 2018. Give us your best guess!

    The rules are:

    1. One entry per person, and only the first guess is accepted. Any follow-up or modified guesses are disqualified.
    2. Guesses must be submitted through social media with a retweet or share of the archive's original tweet/post and include the #exoplanets2018 hashtag. See our Social Media page to connect with us.
    3. Entries must be submitted by 5 p.m. PT/8 p.m. ET Thursday, Jan. 11, 2018.
    4. The winning guess will be as close to the correct number without exceeding it (think Price Is Right) as of midnight PT, Dec. 31, 2018.
    5. All participants will be entered in a random drawing on Friday, Jan. 12, 2018 for a small prize as a thank-you for entering. The winner(s) who guess correctly at the end of the year will be announced online and at the 2019 AAS meeting (and will also receive a prize).
    6. If you're going to be at #AAS231 next week, stop by the NExScI booth for hints!