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For current news, see the Exoplanet Archive News page. For other news archives by year, see the 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2014, 2013, and 2011-12 archives.
December 17, 2015: We've added new planets HD 95872 b and psi Dra B b to the Archive, as well as transit spectroscopy for GJ 3470 b (new) and GJ 1214 b (update).
Also, the winning names of the IAU's NameExoWorlds contest announced this week have been integrated into the Archive as aliases. Enter one of the names listed on the IAU web site into the Explore the Archive search interface and the service will return the planet's Overview page.
December 10, 2015: We have a major change to the Periodogram service interface to announce, as well as small and significant updates to K2 data and the Transit service:
We've also changed how you interact with your data before running a calculation, including the following new features:
To accommodate users relying on the previous interface to complete their research, we are allowing it to remain operational through February 2016, at which point it will be decommissioned. If you are a new Periodogram service user, it is best to start using the new interface immediately. For some sample use cases with the new interface, see the recipes for a variable star and star spot evolution.
For more information and help on using the Periodogram service, consult the user guide by clicking on the Documentation tab within the service's interface.
in the API) has been added to help you find all the K2 planetsDecember 3, 2015: This week's updates:
Five new planets! Check out our data on LkCa 15 b (reinstated per 2015Natur.527..342S) & c, Kepler-454 b & c, and WASP-135 b in the Confirmed Planets table or their individual Overview pages. We've also updated parameters and added new and two transit spectroscopy data.
New Kepler Completeness and Reliability Products! We've created a new Astrophysical False Positive Probabilities interactive table with supporting documentation, all of which are accessed from the Kepler Completeness and Reliability page. This table contains the results of running an automated transit false-positive-probability (FPP) calculating procedure on all KOIs (see the Table Description page for more information). Also, the Astrophysical Positional Probabilities interactive table has had a small software update, which is described in the documentation.
November 19, 2015: This week, we added 10 new planets and removed 4 that have published refutations. There are also several updated parameters and four new transit spectroscopy data files. The 10 new planets, the data for which can be viewed in the Confirmed Planets table or in individual Overview pages, are: HD 219134 f, g & h, HAT-P-50 b, HAT-P-51 b, HAT-P-52 b, HAT-P-53 b, HD 1461 c, HD 204313 c and HD 175607 b.
November 12, 2015: We have the data for the rocky and nearby Earth-sized planet called GJ 1132 b that was announced in Nature this week. See the planet's Overview page or the published paper. (Image credit: Dana Berry/SkyWorks/NASA)
November 5, 2015: Our Confirmed Planets table now contains data for HAT-P-57 b, bringing our total planet count to 1,904.
October 29, 2015: We've populated the Transit Spectroscopy table with published transmission spectra for over 50 exoplanets! Now you can investigate and plot spectroscopy values from the UV to the MIR. Contact us to contribute your own published data. We also welcome values for published transmission spectrum figures.
Also, our Planet Occurrence Rate page contains a compilation of published, refereed papers that derive planet occurrence rates. Take a look and let us know if we missed one!
October 22, 2015: This week we welcome newly confirmed planets OGLE 2013-BLG-0723L B b and HD 155233 b, as well as new transit spectroscopy data and updated planet and stellar parameters. Go the Confirmed Planets interactive table for planet data, or click the Transit Spectroscopy button on the home page.
Also, our K2 Targets table now includes objects selected for observation during campaigns 6 and 7. The table can also be accessed through the application programming interface (API).
NASA's Eyes on Exoplanets application (shown here running on COBRA kiosks at the National Air and Space Museum in Washington, D.C.) contains a fully rendered 3D universe that gives users a closer look at exoplanets. The experience is even more realistic because it's loaded with data from the Exoplanet Archive. (Image credit: Rachel Akeson, NASA Exoplanet Science Institute)
October 15, 2015: Here is a summary of our data updates this week:
October 1, 2015: We've made several improvements to the Archive this week:
New defaults: Best Planet Mass measurement in Jupiter masses (pl_bmassj), Provenance of Best Planet Mass (pl_bmassprov=Mass, Msin(i)/sin(i), or Msini), Optical Magnitude (st_optmag), Optical Magnitude Band (st_optband=V (Johnson) or Kepler-band), and Date of Last Update (rowupdate)
No longer defaults: Hipparcos Name (hip_name), HD Name (hd_name), Planet Mass in Jupiter masses (pl_massj), Planet Msini in Jupiter masses (pl_msinij), and V-band (Johnson) Magnitude (st_vj)
A complete description of each parameter is available on the Exoplanet Table Contents page. For API service troubleshooting, see the API User Guide. (Note: Use the "select=*
keyword to retrieve all available parameters from the exoplanets
data table, or by retrieving specific parameters with "select=pl_def_name
," for example.)
September 24, 2015: The Kepler project has closed the Q1-Q17 DR24 KOI table. No further changes will be made to that data set. See the Purpose of KOI activity table for details.
September 18, 2015: This week we have two new K2 confirmed planets: K2-21 b and K2-21 c, as well as updated parameters and new Transit Spectroscopy data.
Also, the latest Q1-Q17 DR24 KOI delivery contains updated comments to report the minor flags set by the Robovetter, and values for single- and multiple-event statistics, quarters, and the number of transits for all KOIs. See the Purpose of KOI activity table for details.
September 10, 2015: One confirmed planet added this week: HD 164595 b, as well as updated parameters, and addition, more Transit Spectroscopy data. Access stellar and planet parameter data at the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
September 3, 2015: This week's updates:
August 27, 2015: This week's updates:
August 19, 2015: Our confirmed planet data now includes two new literature reference parameters: Default Reference (pl_def_name
) and Discovery Reference (pl_disc_refname
), as well as discovery telescope and instrument information (pl_locale
, pl_facility
, pl_telescope
, & pl_instrument
). There are two ways to access them:
keyword to retrieve all available parameters from the exoplanets
data table, or by retrieving specific parameters with "select=pl_def_name
" (for example).More information about the new API parameters is available in the column definitions documentation.
August 14, 2015: The newly announced young Jupiter with the lowest mass to be directly
imaged, 51 Eri b, was added to the Archive today, as well as new planets HATS-13 b, HATS-14 b and OGLE 2012-BLG-0563L b. Click the links for their Overview pages, read the press release, or see them all in the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
(Image credit: Danielle Futselaar and Franck Marchis/SETI Institute/Gemini Planet Imager)
August 6, 2015: Among the 4 planets added this week is HD 219134 b, which was announced last week as the nearest rocky planet outside our Solar system. The three other planets are part of the same system: HD 219134 c, d & e. See the NASA press release and the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
We've also added a new movie to our Videos page: a histogram of exoplanet discovery by detection method through 2014. (We'll update the movie to include 2015 discoveries at the end of the year.) You are welcome to download and use the movie as needed. Note: Our movies are also accessible from the Pre-Generated Plots page.
July 30, 2015: We've added several new Kepler data products this week, including two Occurrence Rate products (first two bullets):
Also, for your K2 data browsing pleasure, we've created a K2 Names interactive table and enabled our API to return its parameters, which you can read all about in the documentation.
Finally, microlensing light curves for stars known to host planets are now available for batch download on our Bulk Download page.
July 23, 2015: Today's updates:
July 17, 2015: We've more than tripled our K2 confirmed planet count with the addition of 16 systems from Campaign 1. Click to view their respective Overview pages: K2-4 b, K2-5 b & c, K2-6 b, K2-7 b, K2-8 b, K2-9 b, K2-10 b, K2-11 b, K2-12 b, K2-13 b, K2-14 b, K2-15 b, K2-16 b & c, K2-17 b, K2-18 b, and K2-19 b & c. We've also added an additional set of parameters for K2-3 b & c. You can also view their parameters through the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
Tool Tip: When using the search interface for large data sets, such as Kepler Stellar and SuperWASP, note that mousing over the Description column text displays a tool tip with information about that particular parameter's constraints.
Hovering over a Description in the Kepler Stellar and SuperWASP search interfaces displays the constraints for that parameter.
July 10, 2015: The Q0-17 DR 24 Kepler light curves (as hosted at MAST) are now integrated into the Archive and available with the Periodogram and Kepler Time Series Viewer tools. There is also a useful summary of Kepler Data Release Notes for Q0-17.
Also added this week: newly confirmed planets Kepler-453 b, WASP-74 b, WASP-83 b and WASP-89 b; view their Overview pages for details. Also, there is a new transit spectroscopy file for GJ 3470 b in the Transit Spectroscopy interactive table.
PLANNED OUTAGE: On Wednesday, July 15, the Archive and its services will not be available from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. PDT due to some planned network maintenance affecting all of IPAC. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
July 2, 2015: This week we announce:
June 25, 2015: We have updated planet parameters for eight planets this week: HD 10180 c, d, e, f, g, and h, HD 128311 b and c. We have also added stellar parameters for 48 planet host stars and a microlensing light curve for OGLE 2008-BLG-355L b. Access the data through the planets' Overview pages or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
June 17, 2015: Kepler-138 is in the news! Jontof-Hutter et al. provides mass measurements for all planets in the triple system, and Kepler-138 b is a Mars-mass object, making it the smallest confirmed exoplanet with a rocky surface. Read the NASA press release for more details or go directly to the planet's Overview page.
We've also added two planets this week: HATS-8 b and HAT-P-55 b, and updated parameters for 11 planets: Kepler-138 b, c & d, rho CrB b, CoRoT-8 b, CoRoT-9 b, CoRoT-10 b, CoRoT-11 b, CoRoT-12 b, CoRoT-13 b and CoRoT-14 b. Access the data through the planets' Overview pages or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
June 4, 2015: We've added seven planets this week! They are: 2MASS J19383260+4603591 b (a.k.a. Kepler-451 b), alf Tau b, MOA 2011-BLG-262L b, MOA 2010-BLG-328L b, HIP 65891 b, HIP 107773 b, and KELT-7 b. We've also removed Kapteyn b based on Robertson et al. 2015.
Plus, we have updated parameters for MOA 2009-BLG-387L b, CoRoT-1 b, CoRoT-2 b, CoRoT-3 b, CoRoT-6 b, CoRoT-7 b, rho CrB b and HIP 67851 and new microlensing light curves for MOA-2007-BLG-400L b, MOA-2011-BLG-262L b, OGLE 2008-BLG-092L b, OGLE 2008-BLG-355L b and OGLE 2012-BLG-406L b!
But wait, there's more! We've also updated the Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) Q1-17 DR 24 table with 121 new KOIs and updated dispositions and false-positives for 312 objects. See the Purpose of KOI activity table for more information, or go directly to the KOI interactive table.
May 21, 2015: Six more Kepler and two HATS planets are in the Archive this week, plus we've updated stellar and planetary parameters for 53 planets listed in the Van Eylen and Albrecht paper. The new planets are: Kepler-449 b & c, Kepler-450 b, c & d, Kepler-92 d, HATS-9 b and HATS-10 b. See the Overview pages or go the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
May 14, 2015: We've added six planets, including VHS J125601.92-125723.9 b, which has been in the news as a nearby super-Jupiter that was directly photographed. The other planets are: Kepler-448 b (KOI-12 b), HATS-6 b, HD 7924 c, 2MASS J02192210-3925225 b and HD 7924 d. Plus, we've updated various planet parameters and added microlensing light curves for MOA-2008-BLG-310L b. Access the data through the planets' Overview pages or the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
News Panel: Larger image: Optical and infrared spectra taken with the Gran Telescopio CANARIAS (GTC) at the
Roque de los Muchachos Observatory and with the New Technology Telescope (NTT) at the La Silla Observatory, respectively. Inset: Image
of the planet at 100 AU from the dwarf star VHS 1256. This false color image has been put together from images in the Y J and K bands taken
with the VISTA telescope of the European Southern Observatory, in the VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS). Credit: Gabriel P�rez, SMM (IAC).
May 5, 2015: ExoFOP-K2 is a web site designed to optimize resources and facilitate collaboration in follow-up studies of K2 targets. It serves as a repository for community-gathered follow-up data and is supported by Exoplanet Archive infrastructure.
In addition to continuing to support Kepler via the original CFOP website, this new service includes the K2 targets, and will eventually be expanded to support future missions.
The site is open to the entire community and currently contains magnitudes, finding charts, and nearby source lists for the targets from Campaigns 0-4 and the engineering campaign. A new feature allows users to designate possible planetary candidates, false positives and eclipsing binaries. ExoFOP-K2 will allow detailed searches of K2 targets similar to the CFOP search pages.
All content can be viewed and downloaded without logging in. A username and password are only required if you wish to upload data, notes, or files. Your existing CFOP user name and password will work on ExoFOP-K2.
May 4, 2015: The Archive now hosts the first public release of KELT data, consisting of roughly 300,000 light curves in fields N02 and N04. Explore the data with the KELT search interface, read the documentation, or download the data in bulk by clicking the KELT tab in the Transit Surveys section of our home page.
April 30, 2015: Kepler-432 c has been added this week, as well as updated parameters for 14 planets: Kepler-432 b, PSR B1257+12 b, c & d, PSR B1620-26 b, HD 28185 b, HD 213240 b, HD 130322 b, HD 160691 b, HD 27442 b, HD 134987 b, HD 13445 b, HD 75289 b and HD 17051 b. See the Overview pages or go the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
We have 27 additional time series for MOA-bin-1L b, MOA 2009-BLG-319L b, and MOA 2011-BLG-293L b. Access the data through the planets' Overview pages.
April 23, 2015: This week we have one new planet, HD 100546 b, as well as additional parameters for 11 planets: 70 Vir b (new default), WASP-2 b, WASP-4b, WASP-5b, WASP-52 b, KELT-1 b, CoRoT-2 b, XO-2 b, TrES-1 b, HD 189733 b and GJ 436 b. See their Overview pages or go the Confirmed Planets interactive table.
Attention near-Earth Hunters: The Archive has new Planet Detection Metrics (Window Function and One-sigma Depth Function) that were produced by the Transiting Planet Search (TPS) algorithm in the Kepler pipeline. These data can be used to characterize the detections of transits by the pipeline. Download the files in bulk or access them from an object's Overview page, and read the documentation.
April 16, 2015: This week we announce a new tool, new API keywords and new planets!
April 1, 2015: Today we have a few updates to report:
March 26, 2015: We've added one new planet: BD+20 1790 b, as well as new default parameters for WASP-48 b and updated parameters for HAT-P-23 b, Tau Boo b and 21 HD planets. Also, new data for 64 planet host stars include Teff, log (g) and [Fe/H]. View them in the Confirmed Planets interactive table or Overview pages, or access all parameters in the Archive through the extended search tool.
March 12, 2015: We have numerous updates to report this week, both in data and tools:
Search Extended Planet data tool: This tool allows users to search the extended confirmed planet data sets, which consists of the default values in the Confirmed planet table as well as any additional planet parameters in the Archive. There are currently 2,465 planet parameter sets to search.
Contributed data page: This page documents the data sets contributed to the Exoplanet Archive by the community.
Updates to Overview pages:
Mission star tables available as Mission stars only or Mission stars + ExoCAT: The Mission stars table is now available as either the Mission star lists or those stars plus the 30-pc bounded ExoCAT.
Standalone tables for all KOI deliveries: These tables deliver faster sorting and other improvements when working with only one KOI activity table at a time. Links to each table are on the Kepler documentation page.
The Kepler stellar Q1-17 DR 24 table now includes values that enable users to compute completeness (Duty Cycle, Data Span, Robust CDPP, and MES threshold).
List of interesting objects flag added to Q1-17 TCE table. The TCE table has a flag indicating which objects from the Q1-17 DR 24 pipeline run have been designated by Kepler to be on the "list of interesting objects."
March 5, 2015: OGLE 2011-BLG-265L b and WASP-20 b have been added to the Confirmed Planets table, which also has updated default parameters for WASP-28 b and stellar/planet parameters for CoRoT-7 b. We are also hosting microlensing light curve files for MOA 2011-BLG-293L b and MOA 2008-BLG-379L b, which are accessible from the Confirmed Planet Overview pages (see download instructions).
February 26, 2015: Three new K2 planets! K2-3 b, c and d have been added to the Confirmed Planets table. In other K2 news, target lists for K2 campaigns 3 and 4 have been released with the corresponding WISE photometry. From the K2 Targets interactive table, click Select Columns, expand the Photometry Columns submenu and then select the WISE columns (see image below). Or, from the planet's Overview page, expand the Photometric Measurements submenu and select the stellar photometry items.
February 19, 2015: This week we've added Kepler-447 b and WASP-82 b, plus microlensing light curves for OGLE 2013-BLG-341L B and OGLE 2012-BLG-358L (see download instructions). Also, updated stellar and planetary parameters.
February 12, 2015: Our release of this week's new planet, OGLE 2014-BLG-124L b, includes Spitzer and ground-based microlensing light curves that allow a measurement of the distance to the host star and planet. Access the light curves through the planet's Overview page (see instructions in the Jan. 29, 2015 news item, below).
February 5, 2015: Three new planets: BD+49 828 b, HD 95127 b and HD 216536 b. Plus, various updated parameters. View them all in the Confirmed Planets table.
How to Request K2 Numbers from NExScI Following the practice adopted during the Kepler prime mission and continued during the Kepler extended mission, confirmed planets with K2 data will receive a K2 designation with the format K2-1 b. See the K2 Numbers page for more information.
January 29, 2015: Six planets�five from Kepler and one from OGLE�have been added to the Confirmed Planets table. View their Overview pages: OGLE 2013-BLG-102L b, Kepler-444 b, c, d, e & f. We have also updated stellar and default parameters for several objects.
Also, the Q1-Q16 Kepler Stellar table now has values that enable users to compute completeness. See the API column definitions page for details.
We have new time series for 41 microlensing planets, all of them associated with the following planet host stars: OGLE 2005-BLG-390L, OGLE 2006-BLG-109L, OGLE 2007-BLG-368L and MOA 2009-BLG-266L. Access the time series through the Literature Time Series section in the stars' Planet Host Overview pages (see directions, below).
January 22, 2015: API now supports cone search! Our application programming interface (API) now supports cone searches, so users may specify an area of the sky to search for all objects within that area. See the Query Syntax section of the API User Guide for instructions.
January 15, 2015: Nine more confirmed Kepler planets have a home in the Archive. See data on Kepler-433 b, Kepler-434 b, Kepler-435 b, Kepler-445 b, Kepler-445 c, Kepler-445 d, Kepler-446 b, Kepler-446 c, and Kepler-446 d in the Confirmed Planets table.
TCE Q1-17 DR24 Data: Also, our newest data table offers the Q1-17 DR24 Threshold-Crossing Events data. See the Kepler TCE documentation page for more details, or go directly to the data by selecting Threshold-Crossing Events (TCEs) from the Data pull-down menu at the top of any Archive web page.
Kepler Stellar Q1-17 DR24 Data: The latest release of Kepler stellar data contains the values used during the Q1-17 DR24 pipeline run. This catalog includes updated stellar parameters for over 3,000 KOI host stars.
January 8, 2015: Six more confirmed planets have been announced! See the Overview pages for HD 564 b, HD 30669 b, HD 108341 b, HD 103720 b, BD-11 4672 b and HD 145934 b, or view parameters in the Confirmed Planets table.
Also, the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS) now links to the Archive from published papers with confirmed planets. Click the On-line data link in the upper-left corner of a paper's abstract to view either a list of links to Overview pages (for multi-planet papers) or to go directly to the Confirmed Planets table (for single-object papers). The following example is from the Marcy et al. (2014) paper.
Three of the planets are in the habitable zone, two of which are small enough to be rocky. View all of them in the Confirmed Planets table or click on the links in this news item to view their respective Overview pages. Also, view NASA's press release. (Image Credit: Getty Images/D. van Ravenswaay)