The plots on this page planets are grouped by discovery method. Additional details about the plots may be found in the About These Plots section of this page and on our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) page. If you use any of these plots in your presentation materials, please acknowledge the NASA Exoplanet Archive.
To make your own plots with Exoplanet Archive data, use our Planetary Systems Plotting Tool.
We've made some short movies using our plots for use in presentations:
f you have a suggestion for a new movie or pre-generated plot, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.
These pre-generated plots are produced daily, using available data within the NASA Exoplanet Archive, to ensure they are as current as possible. This purpose of these plots is to provide the community fast access to presentation material that describe the current state of the exoplanets field in terms of their number and our understanding of their orbital and physical characteristics. The values plotted are those listed in the Planetary Systems interactive table.
In these plots, planets are grouped by discovery method. "Timing Variations" includes planets discovered by transit timing variations, eclipse timing variations, pulsar timing variations, and pulsation timing variations. In all pre-generated plots, points are only shown for confirmed planets with all of the required parameters measured.
Filtergraph is an online data visualization tool developed at Vanderbilt University through the Vanderbilt Initiative in Data-intensive Astrophysics and the Frist Center for Autism and Innovation.