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Accepted Identifiers and Catalogs
The NASA Exoplanet Archive maintains its own list of cross-identifications for every object in its database.
The Explore the Archive search on the home page and on this page accept queries for single objects by name or coordinates, as well as a radius search. The search function at the top of this page also accepts a list of coordinates and objects.
If your query returns an error, check the table on this page to make sure you entered the correct name.
For more information on using the Explore the Archive search, see the Inventory Service User Guide.
Use the Correct Format In Queries
If you enter the name of a star of a multiple system, the component letters are case-sensitive. For example, the system 30 Ari B is not treated the same as 30 Ari b.
When entering a planet name, you must include a space between the star name and the planet letter. Planet letters are also case-sensitive.
For the prefixes mu/MU and nu/NU, the case does matter:
- mu/nu = Greek letter-named star in constellation
- MU/NU = variable star
Note: nu2 Lupi and nu 2 Lupi are both accepted.
The following table lists the recommended identifiers to use when looking up information on a single object in the Exoplanet Archive. See the Table Legend and Notes on this page for further instructions.
Catalog | How to pose your query to the Exoplanet Archive | Examples |
2MASS J23072869+2108033 2M4037 2M4037 b |
Binaries Escorted By Orbiting Planets (BEBOP) | BEBOP-NNN | BEBOP-1 BEBEOP-1 c BEBOP-987 |
β Pictoris b Ring Project (bRing) | bRing-NNNN | bRing-1 bRing-1234 b |
Aitken Double Star Catalog (ADS) | ADS NNNNN | ADS 16402 |
Bayer-Flamsteed | ggg CON [A] | tau Boo mu 2 Sco mu2 Sco |
Bright Star Catalog | HR NNNN [A] | HR 8799 |
CatWISE Catalog (CWISE) | CWISE[space]JNNNNNN.nn(+|-)NNNNNN.n A |
CWISE J233531.55+014219.6 CWISE J101017.43-242300.4 CWISE J002101.45-334631.5 |
CFHT WIRCam, rho Oph Cloud Survey | CFHTWIR-Oph NNNNN | CFHTWIR-Oph 98 CFHTWIR-Oph 98 b |
Common Name | Use the name itself | Fomalhaut 51 Peg |
Convection, Rotation, and Planetary Transits (CoRoT)- Exoplanet | COROT-EXO-NN | COROT-EXO-01 |
COol Companions ON Ultrawide orbitTS (COCONUTS) | COCONUTS-NNN | COCONUTS-2A b |
Dispersed Matter Planet Project (DMPP) | DMPP-NNN | DMPP-2 |
Durchmusterung Catalogs (BD, CD, CPD, SD). Please see Notes below. |
BD+20 5278 |
Eclipsing Binaries with Low Mass Catalog (EBLM) | EBLM JHHMM+DD | EBLM J0608-59 |
Gaia | Gaia NNNNNN | Gaia 1 Gaia 1 b Gaia 123456 b |
Gaia Candidate Aliases (GaiaCA) |
Gaia-ASOI-NNN, or Gaia-RVOI-NNN, or Gaia-TROI-NNN |
Gaia-ASOI-072 Gaia-RVOI-010 Gaia-TROI-195 |
Gaia Data Release 2 | Gaia DR2 NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN | Gaia DR2 5284517766615492736 Gaia DR2 5284517766615492736 b |
Gaia DR3 4048655804979383680 Gaia eDR3 4048655804979383680 b |
Gaia Science Alerts (GaiaSA) | GaiaNNwwwL | Gaia22dkvL Gaia22dkvL b |
Galactic Plane eXoplanet Survey | GPX NNN | GPX 1 GPX 1 b |
Giclas Catalog (G): Lowell proper motion survey Northern Hemisphere—The G numbered stars | G NNN-NNN | G 9-40 |
Gliese-Jahreiss Compilation | GJ NNN [A], or GJ NNN.N [A], or GL NNN [A], or GL NNN.N [A] |
GL 667C GJ 3634 |
Henry Draper Catalog | HD NNNNNN [A] | HD 142 hD 178911B |
Hipparcos Catalog | HIP NNNNNN [A], or HIC NNNNNN [A] |
HIP 5158 hic 79431 |
Hungarian Automated Telescope–Planet | HAT-P-NN | HAT-P-3 |
Index Catalogue | IC NNNN NNNNNN | IC 1 123456 IC 1234 987654 IC 4651 9122 Note: maximum value for first integer block is 5386 |
IRAS | IRAS HHMMmsDDMM [A] | IRAS 08358+6430 |
Itoh Tamura Gatley Catalog (ITG) | ITG NNN [a] | ITG 15 ITG 15 b |
K2 | K2-N, or K2-YYYY-BLG-NNNNL |
K2-2016-BLG-0005L Note: Entering K2 with no number resolves to KOI-2. |
Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) | KIC NNNNNNN | KIC 6922244 |
Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) | KOI NNNNN.NN | KOI 100.01 |
Korea Microlensing Telescope Network (KMTNet) | KMT-YYYY-BLG-NNNNL | KMT-2016-BLG-2142L |
Kourovka Planet Search | KPS-NNNN | KPS-1 |
Lépine and Shara Proper Motion (LSPM) Catalog | LSPM JHHMM+DDMM | LSPM J2116+0234 |
Luyten Catalog (L) | L NNNN-NN | L 98-59 L 1373-7 |
Luyten Half-Second (LHS) Catalog † | LHS NNNN[a] | LHS 2201 |
Luyten Palomar (LP) Catalog | LP NNN[N]-NNN[N], or LP NNN[N]-NNN[N]A |
LP 358-499 |
Luyten Two-Tenths Catalogue (LTT) | LTT NNNNN | LTT 1445 A |
New Luyten Two Tenths Catalog (NLTT) | NLTT NNNNN | NLT 37349 |
Messier Pulsar Catalog | M N[N][N] [N] | M 62H |
Microlensing Observations in Astrophysics (MOA) | MOA-YYYY-BLG-NNNL | MOA-2003-BLG-053L |
MIT X-Ray Burst Source Catalog | MXB HHMM+DD, or MXB HHMM+DDd |
MXB 1658-298 |
Mount Wilson Catalog (MWC) | MWC NNNN | MWC 758 c |
Multi-object APO Radial Velocity Exoplanets Large-area Survey Catalog (MARVELS) | MARVELS-NN | MARVELS-7 c |
Multi-site All-Sky CAmeRA (MASCARA) | MASCARA-NNN | MASCARA-1 |
New General Catalogue (NGC) 2682 | NGC 2682 AAA[A] NNNN | NGC 2682 YBP 401 |
Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) | NGTS-NNNN | NGTS-1 |
Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS) | NSVS NNNNNNNN | NSVS 14256825 |
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE; microlensing) | OGLE-YYYY-BLG-[N]NNNL | OGLE-2005-BLG-071L OGLE-2016-BLG-1190L |
Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE; transit) | OGLE-TR-NNN | OGLE-TR-111 |
Pico dos Dias Survey (PDS) | PDS NNN, or PDS NNNa, or PDS NNNb |
PDS 70 PDS 17a |
PSR B1620-26 PSR J1719-1438 b |
Ross et al. 1939, New Proper Motion Stars | Ross NNNN | Ross 458 |
Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search | SWEEPS-NN | SWEEPS-11 |
Search for Planets EClipsing ULtra-cOOl Stars (SPECULOOS) | SPECULOOS-NN | SPECULOOS-2 |
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory Catalog | SAO NNNNNN [A] | SAO 91022 |
Spectroscopically Identified White Dwarf Catalog (WD) | WD HHMM+DDd | WD 0806-661 |
SuperWASP | 1SWASP JHHMMSS.SSsDDMMSS.S | 1SWASP J002040.07+315923.7 |
Taurus Auriga Perseus (TAP) Catalog | TAP NN | TAP 26 |
TIC 1 TIC 12345 TIC 377780790 TIC 181804752.01 |
TESS Object of Interest (TOI) | TOI NNNNN.NN, or TOI NNNNN |
TOI 123.01 TOI 98.02 TOI 3711 |
Trans-Atlantic Exoplanet Survey | TrES-NN | TrES-03 |
Transient Object Confirmation Page (TCP) | TCP JHHMMSSss+DDMMSSs | TCP J09495016+1241356 |
TW Hya Assoc. (TWA) | TWA NN | TWA 27 TWA 27 A TWA 27 b |
Tycho Catalog | TYC NNNN-NNNNN-N [A] | TYC 1718-02350-1 |
United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) Microlensing Survey | UKIRT-YYYY-BLG-NNNL | UKIRT-2017-BLG-001L |
Upper Scorpius Association | USco[ ]NNNN [A] | USco1621 A USco1556 |
USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog—Third (UCAC3) | UCAC3 NNN-NNNNNN [A] |
UCAC3 113-933 UCAC3 113-933 b |
USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog—Fourth (UCAC4) | UCAC4 NNN-NNNNNN [A] | UCAC4 328-061594 UCAC4 328-061594 b |
van Biesbroeck Catalog (vB) | vB NN | vB 10 |
VISTA Hemisphere Survey (VHS) | VHS JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s, or VHS JHHMM+DDMM |
VHS J125601.92-125723.9 b VHS J1256-1257AB |
Washington Double Star Catalog | WDS HHMMmsDDMM [A] | WDS J02370+2439B |
Wendelstein Wide Field Imager Survey | Wendelstein-NNN | Wendelstein-1 |
Wide Angle Search for Planets (WASP) | WASP-NN | WASP-2 |
WISE Final Release Catalog | WISE JHHMMSS.ss+DDMMSS.s [A] | WISE J185154.96+404703.8 |
XO Survey | XO-NN | XO-01 |
Young Suns Exoplanet Survey (YSES) | YSES NNN | YSES 2 b YSES 198 c |
† In the LHS Catalog, some stellar entries are designated by a lower-case letter (e.g., LHS 5358b, which represents a star, not a planet). To query for a planet in such a system, use LHS NNNNa b.
Table Legend
In the instructions above:
- N = an integer digit (0-9)
- HH = an integer number of hours (00-23)
- MM = an integer number of minutes (00-59)
- m = fraction of a minute (0-9); e.g., MMm = 217 corresponds to 21.7 minutes
- SSSS or SSS = seconds plus fraction of second (0000-5999 or 000-599); e.g., SSSS = 2248 corresponds to 22.48 seconds
- DD = integer number of degrees (00-89)
- YYYY = integer number of years (2000-2099)
- A = a letter of the (English) alphabet (A-Z or a-z)
- ggg = The full Greek letter (e.g., alpha, beta) or the 3 English letter abbreviation of Greek letters (e.g., alf, bet). For the Greek letters mu (μ) and nu (ν), please repeat the last character (muu, nuu) to enforce a three-character abbreviation.
- s = "+" or "-" sign
- CON = Three-letter abbreviation of constellation name (e.g., TAU, AND). See our complete list of constellation abbreviations here.
All other letters are entered as is. Also, note that:
- Italicized = an instruction
- Anything written in [square brackets] may or may not be part of a query.
- Leading zeros (0s) may be omitted
- The Exoplanet Archive is case-sensitive only on the component and planet letters
Regarding Durchmusterung catalogs: The Exoplanet Archive uses the same designations as published in the original Durchmusterung catalogs. That is, the identifiers BD, CD, CPD, SD are not interchangeable. In the same spirit, the NASA Exoplanet Archive also does not recognize the generic Durchmusterung (DM) identifier.
Regarding SIMBAD: This search function uses SIMBAD to find coordinates for object names that are not currently in the NASA Exoplanet Archive.