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December 19, 2013: Lots of new data and functionality have been added today. Here is a summary:
December 6, 2013: Seven new planets this week: HD 13908 b and c, HD 159243 b and c, HIP 91258 b, FW Tau b and ROXs 12 b.
December 3, 2013: The Kepler stellar properties table for Q1-16 is now available. The delivery is described in Huber et al, 2013 submitted and is available through the stellar search interface or the application programming interface.
November 21, 2013: We've added four new planets this week: OGLE 2012-BLG-358L b, ROXs 42 B b, WISEP J121756.91+162640.2 A b and MOA 2008-BLG-379L b.
November 1, 2013: We have been busy adding new data and functionality to the site which is explained in detail on the release summary page. Highlights include:
For details, see the release summary page.
IMPORTANT: With today's release, we've updated the content and code of the interactive tables. Your web browser may have the older version cached, which will result in an error. If you get the error, hold down Shift and click Reload or restart your browser.
October 25, 2013: The Kepler project has updated several KOI dispositions and planet parameters for objects in the Q1-8 and Cumulative tables. These values agree with those described in the submitted version of the Q1-Q8 catalog paper (Burke et al. 2013). With this delivery, the total count for the Confirmed planets and Candidates is now 3,602.
October 17, 2013: Eight confirmed planets have been added: Kepler-87 b, Kepler-87 c, HD 113337 b, MOA-2011-BLG-293L b, HAT-P-42 b, HAT-P-43 b, KOI-142 b (a.k.a. Kepler-88 b) and KOI-142c (a.k.a Kepler-88 c).
October 10, 2013: Two new planets this week: WASP-65 b and WASP-75 b.
October 3, 2013: This week we have 3 new planets: HATS-2 b, HATS-3 b and GJ 2034. This brings the archive's total planet count to 909. Stellar and planetary parameters have also been updated for 18 confirmed planets.
September 26, 2013: Confirmed planet PH2 b (a.k.a. Kepler-86) has been added to the archive, and several stellar and planet parameters and references have been updated, including the addition of 90 stellar parameters from Mortier et al. (2013). The Confirmed Planets interactive table includes only stellar parameters that are self-consistent with the exoplanet parameters. However, multiple additional stellar parameters are available, and can be accessed from the individual exoplanet host star overview pages. To access the overview pages, double-click the icon in the Host Name column and click the Confirmed Exoplanet Overview link in the pop-up window.
September 12, 2013: The Kepler project has updated several KOI dispositions for objects in the Q1-12 and Cumulative tables. With this delivery, all KOIs in the Cumulative table have been dispositioned, bringing the confirmed and candidate count to 3,588.
September 5, 2013: Two new planets have been added: Kepler-77 b and POTS-1 b. We have also added new KOIs to the Q1-8, Q1-12, and Cumulative tables. The total count for the Confirmed planets and Candidates is now 3,573.
August 29, 2013: Fourteen new confirmed Kepler planets have been added: Kepler-79 b and c, Kepler-80 b and c, Kepler-81 b, c, Kepler-82 b and c, Kepler-83 b and c, Kepler-84 b and c, and Kepler-85 b and c.
August 21, 2013: This week we've added five imaging planets: CHXR 73 b, DH Tau b, CFBDSIR J145829+101343 b, 2MASS J01225093-2439505 b and WD 0806-661 b.
August 12, 2013: Kepler light curve data sets for quarter 16 are now available in the archive. To access, click the Kepler Light Curves link on the left side of our home page or from the Data drop-down menu at the top of the page. Additionally, all Q12 light curves are now public and also available in the archive.
We've also made a few enhancements to the interactive tables:
August 8, 2013: Two new planets added: HD 203030 b and Kepler-63 b.
July 31, 2013: One new planet has been added, GJ 328 b, and Kepler has also updated several KOI dispositions for objects in the Q1-Q12 and Cumulative tables. This brings the archive's confirmed planet count to 882, and the confirmed and candidates count to 3,548. For an explanation of the archive's criteria for including planets, see our Exoplanet Criteria page.
July 17, 2013: Two new planets added: Kepler-78 b and GJ 504 b.
July 11, 2013: The Astronomical Society of the Pacific has accepted a paper that provides an extensive overview of the archive's tools, data and services. It will be published in a forthcoming issue of the society's technical journal PASP, but the article can also be found on the archive's Overview page.
June 26, 2013: The Viewable Transit Viewer has been upgraded to include all Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs), the times of secondary transits (phase=0.5) and the times of quadrature points (phases=0.25 and 0.75). The tool can be used for all KOIs and known transiting confirmed planets to produce a list of transit, secondary transit, and quadrature times observable from a specified location on Earth or from the Spitzer Space Telescope. Access the service by clicking the Viewable Transit Service link on the left side of the home page.
We've reorganized the Kepler resources to help users find the interactive tables and documentation more easily. The Kepler Mission page is a summary page that links to pages specific to the KOIs, TCEs and Stellar resources. Each Q1-12 KOI with a corresponding TCE
now has a direct link to the Data Validation (DV) summary. To access the link, go to the Q1-12 KOI table and double-click on the icon next to the KepID to display a pop-up window, then scroll to the bottom of the pop-up and click on the DV Summary link.
Ground-based data from the XO, TrES, KELT and Cluster surveys are now available in the interactive tables. RA and declination are now displayed in sexagesimal coordinates for the confirmed planets and KOI tables, see the user guide for tips on how to filter with these columns.
June 27, 2013: The Kepler project has updated the dispositions of 63 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) in the Q1-Q12 and cumulative activity tables. The current number of candidates and confirmed Kepler planet is now 3,278. The candidates and their parameters can be viewed in the Cumulative and Q1-Q12 interactive tables—just sort or filter on the "Date of Last Update" column.
In addition, six planets have been added to the archive: Two planets in the cluster NGC 6811 (Kepler 66 b and 67 b) and four additional planets in the GJ 677C system (planets d, e, f, and g).
June 20, 2013: Two planets have been added: DENIS-P J082303.1-491201 b and HIP 63242 b.
June 13, 2013: Reprocessed Kepler light curve data sets for quarters 0-14 are now available in the archive, joining the Q15 light curves released in mid-May. These data, which used a new processing version of the Kepler pipeline called "multi-scale MAP," can be accessed by clicking the Kepler Light Curves link on the left side of our home page, or from the Data drop-down menu above. To learn more about the new processing and how it differs from PDC-MAP, the older version, see the release notes available at MAST. Also, users may now search on Kepler light curve metadata, such as the CDPP values, via the archive's API.
Five new planets were also added this week: HD 95086 b, KELT-3 b, and GJ 163 b, c and d. This increases the archive's total number of planets to 871. For more information about the archive's criteria for including planets, see the Exoplanet Criteria page.
June 6, 2013: The Kepler project has updated the dispositions of 503 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) from NOT DISPOSITIONED to CANDIDATE. This expands the current number of candidates to 3,216. The candidates and their parameters can be viewed in the Cumulative and Q1-Q12 interactive tables—just sort or filter on the "Date of Last Update" column.May 28, 2013: The Kepler project has opened the Q1-12 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) activity table, adding 1,924 new KOIs detected over a 34-month baseline. None of the new KOIs have yet been dispositioned into planet candidates and false positives, so this list contains many objects that will ultimately become false positives. The dispositioning of these KOIs will occur incrementally over the coming months. See more details in the Q1-12 delivery history, which will track updates as they are delivered. The planet parameters for all KOIs in the Q1-12 activity table have been updated using pipeline fits to the Q1-Q12 data. The new KOIs have also been added to the cumulative table using the Q1-12 planet parameters.
Also, to get an immediate response when filtering data in the interactive tables, you may simply hit Return or Enter.
May 16, 2013: Kepler light curve data sets for quarter 15 are now available in the archive. To access, click the Kepler Light Curves link on the left side of our home page. The Q15 light curves utilize a new processing version of the Kepler pipeline called "multi-scale MAP," as opposed to the previous version called "PDC-MAP." As a result, caution is urged in combining time series from Q15 with older quarters currently available from the archive. For more information, see the release notes. We will be releasing the re-processed light curves for quarters 0 through 14 in the near future, which is described in more detail here.
May 6, 2013: We have added five new planets to the Exoplanet Archive. Four of these were discovered using the radial velocity technique: BD+15 2940 b, HD 41248 b, HD 41248 c and HD 233604 b. The other planet, Kepler-76 b (a.k.a. KIC 4570949 b), is a Kepler transiting planet that was detected using the BEER algorithm. Read about it in the press release.
April 30, 2013: We have added 10 planets to the archive. Three of these (omega Ser b, HD 2952 b, HD 120084 b) were discovered from radial velocity observations. The other seven were discovered from Kepler data (Kepler-61 b, Kepler-74 b, Kepler-75 b, Kepler-19 c, Kepler-65 b, Kepler-65 c, Kepler-65 d).
April 18, 2013: Kepler 62 and 69 systems announced: The Kepler mission has discovered two planetary systems that include three super-Earth-size planets in the habitable zone; Kepler 62 which has 5 planets and Kepler 69 which has 2 planets. See more details from the press release and explore these planets in the confirmed planet table.
April 11, 2013: Three planets have been added to the list of Confirmed Planets: HD 204313 d, HD 222155 b and HD 24040 b.
March 28, 2013: The planet PH1 b (Kepler-64b) has been added to the list of Confirmed Planets. This planet was discovered by the Planet Hunters team and orbits a binary star.
February 28, 2013: Two new planets have been added to the list of Confirmed Planets: WASP-64 b and WASP-72 b.
February 22, 2013: The Q1-Q6 Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) list has been updated with the final set of parameters from the planet candidate appendix table of Batalha et al. (2013, ApJS, 204, 24) and the July 2012 False Positive table previously hosted at MAST. This table is considered "Done" by the Kepler Project; no further updates will be performed in this particular list.
February 21, 2013: Kepler light curve data sets for quarter 14 are now available in the archive. To access, click the Kepler Light Curves link on the left side of our home page.
February 20, 2013: Kepler 37 added to the list of Confirmed Planets: This system contains 3 planets, Kepler-37 b, Kepler-37 c, and Kepler-37 d, including the smallest planet found to date around a main sequence star.
Additionally, the planets HIP 11952 b and c have been removed from the Confirmed Planets list after publication of additional radial velocity observations (Desidera et al 2013).
February 14, 2013: Three new planets have been added to the list of Confirmed Planets: Kepler-68 b, Kepler-68 c, and Kepler-68 d.
February 13, 2013: KOI Cumulative and Q1-8 Dispositions Updated
The dispositions of twenty-three KOIs in the cumulative and Q1-8 tables have been updated from CANDIDATE to FALSE POSITIVE by the Kepler project as part of the vetting process. The current number of candidates in these tables is 2,717 and the updated rows can be viewed by sorting or filtering on the "Date of Last Update" column.
February 11, 2013: Exoplanet Archive updates
Several new capabilities are now available:January 28, 2013: Nine new planets have been added to the list of Confirmed Planets:BD-06 1339 b, BD-06 1339 c, HD 103774 b, HD 109271 b, HD 109271 c, Kepler-32 d, Kepler-32 e, Kepler-32 f, and MOA-2010-BLG-073L b. KOI-1725 b and KOI-1727 b have been re-classified as candidates pending publication of further validation information.
January 7, 2013: Kepler Object of Interest (KOI) list for Q1-8 released
The Kepler project has released the KOI list for the quarter 1-8 data as well as the cumulative KOI table, which compiles historical information from the individual KOI tables to provide the most accurate dispositions and stellar and planetary information in one place. The description of all available KOI tables is here. The cumulative KOI table contains 2740 candidates and confirmed planets and 801 false positives and can be accessed in an interactive table.