Definitions of Transit Parameters

Data Columns in the Transit and Ephemeris Service Results Table

The following table describes the parameters listed on the Results tab of the Transit Service after running a query. The transit predictions are displayed in an interactive table. For information on filtering and sorting data in the table, see the Interactive Tables User Guide.

Column Name
Table Label Description Included in Space Observatory Queries?
rowid Row ID Table row identification number Y
username Input Target Name of planet or star as entered by the user Y
planetname Data Source Planet Name Name of planet as it appears in the table from which the planetary parameters are drawn. Red background means propagated event midpoint uncertainty exceeds 3 hours. Yellow background means either an ephemeris, eccentricity, or TTV warning flag has been raised, or the transit was calculated using the Orbital Elements algorithm. See relevant column descriptions for more detail on these warnings. Red background takes precedence if both types of warnings are present. Y
defaultname Archive Planet Name Default planet name in the archive Y
sourcetable Data Source Source from which the input planetary parameters are drawn Y
ra_str RA [sexagesimal] Right ascension of planet system in sexagesimal format Y
dec_str Dec [sexagesimal] Declination of planet system in sexagesimal format Y
ra RA [decimal degrees] Right ascension of planet system in decimal degrees Y
dec Dec [decimal degrees] Declination of planet system in decimal degrees Y
obsname Observatory Name Name of chosen observatory N
obslat Observatory Latitude [degrees north] Latitude of chosen observatory in decimal degrees N
obslon Observatory Longitude [degrees east] Longitude of chosen observatory in decimal degrees (positive values are east of the meridian) N
ploturl Event Visibility Plot Generate airmass/altitude plot of target at chosen observatory with transit event overlay. Y
algorithm Algorithm Algorithm used to predict ephemeris: Transit Ephemeris (assumes circular orbit) or Orbital Elements. Orbital elements method (yellow background) assumes ω applies to star, and positive RV away from observer; varying conventions in literature values may lead to spurious results. Y
isdefault Default Parameters Flag 1 if input parameter set is the archive default orbital parameter set for the planet; 0 otherwise. Y
ismostprecise Most-Precise Flag The predicted event time is the most precise among the available archive orbital parameter sets for the planet. Y
hasmoreprecise Ephemeris Warning Flag More precise ephemerides do not predict events in this window. Y
eccenwarning Eccentricity Warning Flag Transit Ephemeris (Circular Orbit) method is used to predict event with phase >0.0 for a planet with non-circular orbit. Y
phase Phase Orbital phase for requested ephemeris (0 to 1, where 0.0=primary transit) Y
period Period [days] Planet orbital period Y
eccen Orbital Eccentricity Planet orbital eccentricity. 0 for circular orbit, and between 0 and 1 for elliptical orbit. Y
fsini Orbital Inclination Planet orbital inclination as sine of angle to face-on. 0 for face-on orbit and 1 for edge-on orbit. Y
transitduration Transit Duration [hours] Transit duration, if available from the archive. Y
transitdepthdb Transit Depth - Measured [%] Measured transit depth, if available in the archive. Y
transitdepthcalc Transit Depth - Calculated [%] Transit depth calculated from star and planet radii, if both radii available (value equals 0 if either radii are not available). Y
ttv TTV Flag Transit timing variation flag: 1 if planet is known to exhibit transit timing variations; 0 otherwise. Y
onesigmawindowstartcalendar 1σ Event Window Start Calendar UT Predicted start time of event including propagated input uncertainties in calendar date universal time. Y
onesigmawindowstartjd 1σ Event Window Start JD UT [days] Predicted start time of event including propagated input uncertainties in Julian date universal time. Y
onesigmawindowstartairmass Airmass at 1σ Event Window Start Airmass of target at 1σ event window start. N
onesigmawindowstartaltitude Altitude at 1σ Event Window Start [degrees] Altitude of target at 1σ event window start. N
onesigmawindowstartazimuth Azimuth at 1σ Event Window Start [degrees] Azimuth of target at 1σ event window start. N
ingresscalendar Event Ingress Calendar UT Predicted start time of event ingress excluding propagated uncertainties in calendar date universal time. Y
ingressjd Event Ingress JD UT [days] Predicted start time of event ingress excluding propagated uncertainties in calendar date universal time. Y
ingressairmass Event Ingress Airmass Airmass of target at start of event ingress. N
ingressaltitude Event Ingress Altitude [degrees] Altitude of target at start of event ingress. N
ingressazimuth Event Ingress Azimuth [degrees] Azimuth of target at start of event ingress. N
midpointcalendar Event Midpoint Calendar UT Predicted midpoint of event (transit/eclipse/etc.) in calendar date universal time. Yellow background means more precise ephemerides do not predict events in this window. Y
midpointjd Event midpoint JD UT [days] Predicted midpoint of event (transit/eclipse/etc.) in Julian date universal time. Yellow background means more precise ephemerides do not predict events in this window. Y
propmidpointunc Propagated Midpoint Uncertainty [days] Uncertainty in calculated midpoint. Red background means value exceeds 3 hours. Y
midpointairmass Event Midpoint Airmass Airmass of target at predicted event midpoint. N
midpointaltitude Event Midpoint Altitude [degrees] Altitude of target at predicted event midpoint. N
midpointazimuth Event Midpoint Azimuth [degrees] Azimuth of target at predicted event midpoint. N
egresscalendar Event Egress Calendar UT Predicted end time of event egress excluding propagated uncertainties in calendar date universal time. Y
egressjd Event Egress JD UT [days] Predicted end time of event egress excluding propagated uncertainties in Julian date universal time. Y
egressairmass Event Egress Airmass Airmass of target at end of event egress. N
egressaltitude Event Egress Altitude [degrees] Altitude of target at end of event egress. N
egressazimuth Event Egress Azimuth [degrees] Azimuth of target at end of event egress. N
onesigmawindowendcalendar 1σ Event Window End Calendar UT Predicted end time of event including propagated uncertainties in calendar date universal time. Y
onesigmawindowendjd 1σ Event Window End JD UT [days] Predicted end time of event including propagated uncertainties in Julian date universal time. Y
onesigmawindowendairmass Airmass at 1σ Event Window End Airmass of target at 1σ event window end. N
onesigmawindowendaltitude Altitude at 1σ Event Window End [degrees] Altitude of target at 1σ event window end. N
onesigmawindowendazimuth Azimuth at 1σ Event Window End [degrees] Azimuth of target at 1σ event window end. N
targetrisecalendar Target Rise Calendar UT Time target rises above minimum altitude in calendar date universal time. N
targetrisejd Target Rise JD UT [days] Time target rises above minimum altitude in Julian date universal time. N
targetsetcalendar Target Set Calendar UT Time target sets below minimum altitude in calendar date universal time. N
targetsetjd Target Set JD UT [days] Time target sets below minimum altitude in Julian date universal time. N
targetobsstartjd Target Observability Start JD UT [days] Time target observability starts, accounting for target rise time and sunset time for ground-based observations, and observability window for space-based observations—in Julian date universal time. Y
targetobsstartcalendar Target Observability Start Calendar UT Time target observability starts, accounting for target rise time and sunset time for ground-based observations, and observability window for space-based observations—in calendar date universal time. Y
targetobsendjd Target Observability End JD UT [days] Time target observability ends, accounting for target set time and sunrise time, for ground-based observations, and observability window for space-based observations—in Julian date universal time. Y
targetobsendcalendar Target Observability End Calendar UT Time target observability starts, accounting for target set time and sunrise time for ground-based observations, and observability window for space-based observations—in calendar date universal time. Y
sunsetjd Evening Twilight End JD UT [days] Time of end of evening twilight in Julian date universal time. N
sunsetcalendar Evening Twilight End Calendar UT Time of end of evening twilight in calendar date universal time. N
sunrisejd Morning Twilight Start JD UT [days] Time of beginning of morning twilight in Julian date universal time. N
sunrisecalendar Morning Twilight Start Calendar UT Time of beginning of morning twilight in calendar date universal time. N
targetobsduration Duration of Target Observability [hours] Total duration for which target is observable (for given night if ground-based observatory, or for full observing window if space-based). Y
durationbeforeevent Duration Observable Before Event [hours] Duration for which target is observable before predicted event start (excluding uncertainties). N
durationafterevent Duration Observable After Event [hours] Duration for which target is observable after predicted event end (excluding uncertainties). N
durationoutsideevent Duration Observable Outside Event [hours] Total duration for which target is observable outside event window (excluding uncertainties). N
durationinsideevent Duration Observable Inside Event [hours] Total duration for which target is observable inside event window (excluding uncertainties). N
fractionobservable Event Fraction Observable Duration of observability inside the event divided by the transit duration (durationinsidetransit/transitduration); ie., for transits, the fraction of the transit which is observable. N
fractionoutsideevent Observable Baseline Time/Event Duration Duration of observability outside the event divided by the transit duration (durationoutsidetransit/transitduration); i.e., for transits, the total duration of observable off-transit photometric baseline as a fraction of the transit duration. N
teq Planet Equilibrium Temperature [K] Equivalent blackbody temperature of the planet. N
teff Stellar Effective Temperature [K] Equivalent blackbody temperature of the parent star. N
vsini Stellar Rotational Velocity v*sin(i) [km/s] Projected rotational velocity component of star. N
magnitude_visible V-band (Johnson) [mag] Visible magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_gaia G-band (Gaia) [mag] Gaia magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_j J-band (2MASS) [mag] 2MASS J magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_h H-band (2MASS) [mag] 2MASS H magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_k Ks-band (2MASS) [mag] 2MASS Ks magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_w1 W1-band (WISE) [mag] WISE W1 magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_w2 W2-band (WISE) [mag] WISE W2 magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_w3 W3-band (WISE) [mag] WISE W3 magnitude of target as available in archive. Y
magnitude_w4 W4-band (WISE) [mag] WISE W4 magnitude of target as available in archive. Y

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Last updated: 20 October 2021