Discrepancies Between Literature and Archive Values

Occasionally, planet parameters in the archive are different from those in the published literature. These discrepancies are identified by the comments from the scientific community, and are confirmed by the authors. We track these errors in the table below, which is updated periodically.

The Targets Excluded from the Archive page also lists targets the archive has removed or disregarded.

Host NamePlanet LetterParameterLiterature ValueExoplanet Archive ValueLiterature ReferenceNotes
HAT-P-65 b Mid-transit Time 2458319.35067 +/- 0.00021 2458139.35067 +/- 0.00021 Kang et al. 2024 The published version of the paper has not been updated to reflect a correction made to the mid-transit time found in the preprint version.
LHS 475 b transmission spectrum     Lustig-Yaeger et al. 2023 The binned Firefly spectrum is published in fractional units, but should be percent.
WASP-12 b Radial Velocity Semi-amplitude 204.4±2.4 km/s 204.4±2.4 m/s Albrecht et al. 2012 Units for radial velocity semi-amplitude given incorrectly in ref..
GJ 849 c Msini mass 0.99 +0.11 -0.11 M_Earth 0.99 +0.11 -0.11 M_Jupiter Pinamonti et al. 2023 Msini mass units changed from M_Earth to M_Jupiter.
HD 140901 See Exoplanet Archive Value Planet Letter b c   Name of planet changed from HD 140901 b to HD 140901 c, as HD 140901 b already exists in literature.
HIP 10337 See Exoplanet Archive Value Planet Letter b c Philipot et al. 2023 Name of planet changed from HIP 10337 b to HIP 10337 c, as HIP 10337 b already exists in literature. (Philipot et al. 2023)
TOI-2048 b Planet Radius 2.06+0.21-0.19 2.61+0.17-0.16 Newton et al. 2022 Planet radius updated by authors via private communication.
EPIC 201497682 none Planet Name EPIC 201497682.01 EPIC 201497682.02 Kruse et al. 2019 Planet candidate name corrected for consistency with prior literature.
EPIC 201497682.02 EPIC 201497682.01
EPIC 201497682.03 EPIC 201497682.04

Planet candidate name EPIC 201497682.03 changed to EPIC 201497682.04 by authors via private communication.
mua Ara See Exoplanet Archive Value Planet Letter e c Benedict et al. 2022

Pepe et al. 2007
mua Ara c already exists in the literature
mua Ara c d mua Ara d already exists in the literature
mua Ara d d mua Ara e already exists in the literature
K2-229 b δ 0.01625 0.01625% Livingston et al. 2018 Transit depth value for EPIC 228801451.01 published in the wrong units.
K2-229 c 0.05325 0.05325% Transit depth value for EPIC 228801451.02 published in the wrong units.
K2-228 b 0.02587 0.02587% Transit depth value for EPIC 228798746.01 published in the wrong units.
K2-224 b 0.03270 0.03270% Transit depth value for EPIC 228725972.01 published in the wrong units.
K2-224 c 0.05928 0.05928% Transit depth value for EPIC 228725972.02 published in the wrong units.
K2-162 b 0.02669 0.02669% Transit depth value for EPIC 201390048.01 published in the wrong units.
EPIC 201497682 none Planet Name EPIC 201497682.03 EPIC 201497682.04 Kruse et al. 2019 Planet candidate name EPIC 201497682.03 changed to EPIC 201497682.04 by authors via private communication.
EPIC 206024342 none (appears as "p4" in the paper) The entire candidate The candidate is labeled "confirmed" The candidate is not in the archive Adams et al. 2021 The fourth signal in the EPIC 206024342 system (labeled as "p4" with a 27-day orbital period) was mislabeled in one table. After private communication with the author, it was determined this object remains a planet candidate.
WASP-126 b Orbital Period 2.8493819+/-0.0000013 d 3.2887884+/-0.0000013 d Maciejewski 2020 Incorrect values reported in Table 6.
HD 211403 b Equilibrium Temperature (K) 3.80 ± 13.00 (K) 380 ± 13 (K) Demangeon et al. 2021 Typo in equilibrium temperature in Table E.1.
Kepler-177 b Orbital Period 35.8601 36.8601 Vissapragada et al. 2020 Orbital period value provided by author via private communication.
GJ 1132 b Transmission spectroscopy transit depth Not provided 0.0025258148733100045 Swain et al. 2021 Broadband transit depth not published in paper. Zero point supplied by the author is 0.0025258148733100045.
HD 209458 b Orbital Period 3.52475 ± 3.8E-07 3.52474859 ± 0.00000038 Stassun et al. 2017 Orbital period value/uncertainties provided by authors via private communication.
WASP-12 b 1.09142 ± 3.3E-07 1.09142245 ± 0.00000033
HD 189733 b 2.21858 ± 1.5E-07 2.21857567 ± 0.00000015
WASP-33 b 1.21987 ± 4.5E-07 1.21986983 ± 0.00000045
Kepler-78 b 0.35501 ± 6.0E-08 0.35500744 ± 0.00000006
Kepler-454 b 10.57000 ± 7.5E-08 10.570000000 ± 0.000000075
CoRoT-7 b 0.85359 ± 6.0E-09 0.853591630 ± 0.000000006
GJ 414 A b Semi-Major Axis (AU) 1.400 +0.055 -0.060 0.2324 +0.0092 -0.0099 Dedrick et al. 2021 Typo in semi-major axis in Table 3.
GJ 414 A c 0.2324 +0.0092 -0.0099 1.400 +0.055 -0.060
HD 134987 - Stellar Luminosity (log10(Lsun)) 1.80±0.14 0.255 +0.033 -0.035 Jones et al. 2010 Typo in luminosity parameter name in Table 1. It's actual luminosity, not log(luminosity).
HD 97658 b Planet Mass 0.03±0.00 0.02794773±0.00387274 Stassun et al. 2017 Planet mass value/uncertainties provided by authors via private communication.
Kepler-454 b 0.02±0.00 0.01904597±0.00475153
Kepler-93 b 0.01±0.00 0.01429776±0.00266796
CoRoT-7 b 0.01±0.00 0.01282637±0.00320869
Kepler-78 b 0.01±0.00 0.00618935±0.00168169
Kepler-37 b Planet Radius 0.03±0.00 0.02643505±0.00332835 Planet radius value/uncertainties provided by authors via private communication.
HD 39091
(pi Men)
b Longitude of Periastron 151.7±0.9 331.7±0.9 Xuan & Wyatt 2020 Longitude of periastron transformed to match coordinate system in previous references.
HAT-P-11 c 323.9±4.1 143.9±4.1
WASP-150 b Orbital Period 5.6442 +0.0 -0.0 5.644207 +0.000003 -0.000004 Cooke et al. 2020 Typo in published orbital period uncertainty in Table 7; confirmed with author.
WASP-176 b 3.8991 +0.0 -0.0 3.899052 +0.000005 -0.000005
TOI-677   RA/Dec 15h32m17.84s, −22d21m29.74s 09h36m28.65s, -50d27m47.14s Jordán et al. 2020 Incorrect coordinates reported in Table 1.
Qatar-7 b Orbital Period 2.032046 +/- 0.0000097 2.032046 +0.0000097 -0.000014 Alsubai et al. 2019 Typo in published orbital period uncertainty in Table 5; confirmed with author.
Kepler-10 c Orbital Period 42.29485 days 45.29485 days Fressin et al. 2011
Typo in published period in Table 2; confirmed with author.
CoRoT-20 b Distance to System 1.23+/-120 kpc 1.23+/-0.12 kpc Deleuil et al. 2012 Typo in Table 3.
Fomalhaut b Orbit Semi-Major Axis 119 au 115 au Kalas et al. 2008 119 au is quoted in the abstract, but 115 au appears repeatedly throughout the paper.
GJ 3470 b RV Semi-Amplitude 0.00901+/-0.00075 m/s 9.01+/-0.75 m/s Bonfils et al. 2012 Unit in Table 2 should be km/s.
HD 203030 See Exoplanet Archive Value Planet Letter B b Metchev & Hillenbrand 2006 The Exoplanet Archive adopts lower-case letters for planetary mass companions.
HAT-P-27 b RV semi-amplitude 0.0912+/-0.002 m/s 91.2+/-2 m/s Brown et al. 2012 Unit in Table 7 should be km/s.
Kepler-46   Planet Letter c d Rowe et al. 2014 Typo; Kepler-46 c already exists in literature.
HD 60532 b, c Stellar Surface Gravity -3.83 3.83 Desort et al. 2014 Typo in Table 1.
Kepler-289 See Exoplanet Archive Value Planet Letter PH3 d
PH3 c
Kepler-289 c
Kepler-289 d
Schmitt et al. 2014 Kepler-289 c already exists in literature.
BD+49 828   log (Stellar Age) [yr] 9.37+/-18 9.37+/-0.18 Niedzielski et al. 2015 Typo; missing decimal place in uncertainty. Note that Exoplanet Archive provides age in Gyr.
gam Cep b Time of Periastron 253121.925 2453121.925 Hatzes et al. 2003 Typo in Table 6.
HD 17674 b Time System RJD JD Rey et al. 2017 Time system mis-reported as RJD.
HD 42012 b
HD 29021 b
K2 Candidates in Table 2 Transit Duration hours days Schmitt et al. 2016 Typo in Table 2; transit durations mis-reported in hours.

Last update: 26 June 2024