This table has been retired and is no longer being updated. Please use the new K2 Planets and Candidates for the most current data and their data column definitions. This document maps the columns from the old table to the new table. More details about the retired and new tables are on the Developing a More Integrated NASA Exoplanet Archive page.

Data Columns in the K2 Candidate Table

The following table lists all of the data columns in the K2 Candidate table (k2candidates) that can be accessed using the K2 Candidate Interactive Table .

There are similar documents for the K2 Targets search and for the K2 Names table.

Some data include more specific information:

  • Uncertainties (positive and negative)
  • Limits

Positional Information comes from the EPIC Catalog. Photometry and color data comes from the EPIC, 2MASS, and WISE catalogs.

† Default column: these columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.

Digital Object Identifier

If you use archive data or services for your research, please include the following Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as part of your acknowledgment:

DOI 10.26133/NEA3

See Acknowledging the Archive for dataset-specific language. See the full list of NASA Exoplanet Archive DOIs for other data sets and services.


Skip to a subsection:

Identification Columns

Candidate Information

Stellar Columns

Photometry Columns

Color Columns


Identification Columns

Column Name
Column Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Displayed String Name Limit Column
epic_name† EPIC Name Name of the star as given by the EPIC Catalog.      
tm_name 2MASS Designation Name of the star as given by the 2MASS Catalog.      
epic_candname† Candidate Name Name used to identify planetary candidates, with the format EPIC NNNNNNNNN.DD, where the integer parts designates the target star and the decimal parts identifies a transiting object associated to the star.      
pl_name† Planet Name Exoplanet Archive default name for confirmed planets.      
k2c_refdisp† Reference Disposition Disposition provided by the associated reference. Typical values are CANDIDATE, FALSE POSITIVE, and CONFIRMED      
k2c_disp† Exoplanet Archive Disposition Disposition updated by the Exoplanet Archive. Current values are CANDIDATE, FALSE POSITIVE, and CONFIRMED. All candidates marked as CONFIRMED are also listed in the Exoplanet Archive Confirmed Planet table.      
k2c_note† Notes Notes associated to the set of candidate parameters.      

(interactive table)


(API queries)

K2 Campaign number

The K2 Campaign number for this target.

Note: When constructing API queries, use k2_campaign_str. When downloading values from the interactive table, the column appears as k2_campaign. Also, E refers to the Engineering campaign in both the API and interactive table download files. (To filter on E campaigns in the interactive table, enter -1.)

k2c_recentflag† Most Recent Flag Flag indicating the most recent set of parameters for this candidate (1=most recent, 0=not most recent).      
ra_str RA [sexagesimal] Right Ascension of the planetary system in sexagesimal format.      
dec_str Dec [sexagesimal] Declination of the planetary system in sexagesimal notation.      
ra RA [decimal degrees] Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal degrees.      
dec Dec [decimal degrees] Declination of the planetary system in decimal degrees.      

Planet Columns

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Displayed String Name Limit Column
pl_orbper† Orbital Period [days] Time the candidate takes to make a complete orbit around the host star or system. (+) pl_orbpererr1
(-) pl_orbpererr2
pl_orbperstr pl_orbperlim
pl_tranmid† Transit Midpoint [days] The time given by the average of the time the candidate begins to cross the stellar limb and the time the candidate finishes crossing the stellar limb. (+) pl_tranmiderr1
(-) pl_tranmiderr2
pl_tranmidstr pl_tranmidlim
pl_trandep Transit Depth [percent] The size of the relative flux decrement caused by the orbiting body transiting in front of the star. (+) pl_trandeperr1
(-) pl_trandeperr2
pl_trandepstr pl_trandeplim
pl_trandur Transit Duration [days] The length of time from the moment the candidate begins to cross the stellar limb to the moment the candidate finishes crossing the stellar limb. (+) pl_trandurerr1
(-) pl_trandurerr2
pl_trandurstr pl_trandurlim
pl_imppar Impact Parameter The sky-projected distance between the center of the stellar disc and the center of the candidate disc at conjunction, normalized by the stellar radius. (+) pl_impparerr1
(-) pl_impparerr2
pl_impparstr pl_impparlim
pl_orbincl Inclination [deg] Angular distance of the orbital plane from the line of sight. (+) pl_orbinclerr1
(-) pl_orbinclerr2
pl_orbinclstr pl_orbincllim
pl_ratdor† Ratio of Distance to Stellar Radius The distance between the candidate and the star at mid-transit divided by the stellar radius. For the case of zero orbital eccentricity, the distance at mid-transit is the semi-major axis of the planetary orbit. (+) pl_ratdorperr1
(-) pl_ratdorerr2
pl_ratdorstr pl_ratdorlim
pl_ratror† Ratio of Candidate to Stellar Radius The candidate radius divided by the stellar radius (+) pl_ratrorerr1
(-) pl_ratrorerr2
pl_ratrorstr> pl_ratrorlim
pl_rade† Candidate Radius [Earth radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the candidate to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Earth. (+) pl_radeerr1
(-) pl_radeerr2
pl_radestr pl_radelim
pl_radj Candidate Radius [Jupiter radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the candidate to its surface, measured in units of radius of Jupiter.
(+) pl_radjerr1
(-) pl_radjerr2
pl_radjstr pl_radjlim
pl_eqt Equilibrium Temperature [K] The equilibrium temperature of the candidate as modeled by a black body heated only by its host star, or for directly imaged candidates, the effective temperature of the candidate required to match the measured luminosity if the candidate were a black body. (+) pl_eqterr1
(-) pl_eqterr2
pl_eqtstr pl_eqtlim
pl_fppprob False Positive Probability Probability of candidate to be any of the considered astrophysical false positive scenarios, determined by vespa calculation.   pl_fppprobstr pl_fppproblim

Stellar Columns

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Displayed String Name Limit Column


Parallax [mas] Difference in the angular position of a star as measured at two opposite positions within the Earth's orbit. (+) st_plxerr1
(-) st_plxerr2
st_plxstr st_plxlim
st_dist Distance [pc] Distance to the planetary system in units of parsecs.

(+) st_disterr1

(-) st_disterr2

st_diststr st_distlim
st_teff Effective Temperature [K] Temperature of the star as modeled by a black body emitting the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation.

(+) st_tefferr1

(-) st_tefferr2

st_teffstr st_tefflim
st_logg Stellar Surface Gravity Gravitational acceleration experienced at the stellar surface. (+) st_loggerr1
(-) st_loggerr2
st_loggstr st_logglim
st_metfe Stellar Metallicity [dex] Measurement of the metal content of the photosphere of the star as compared to the hydrogen content. (+) st_metfeerr1
(-) st_metfeerr2
st_metfestr st_metfelim
st_metratio Metallicity Ratio Ratio for the Metallicity Value ([Fe/H] denotes iron abundance, [M/H] refers to a general metal content)      
st_rad† Stellar Radius [Solar radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the star to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun.

(+) st_raderr1

(-) st_raderr2

st_radstr st_radlim
st_vsini Rotational Velocity v*sin(i) [km/s] Rotational velocity at the equator of the star multiplied by the sine of the inclination. (+) st_vsinierr1
(-) st_vsinierr2
st_vsinistr st_vsinilim

Photometry Columns

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Displayed String Name Limit Column
st_kep† Kepler-band [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the Kepler-band in units of magnitudes. st_keperr st_kepstr st_keplim
st_bj B-band (Johnson) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the B (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. st_bjerr st_bjstr st_bjlim
st_vj V-band (Johnson) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the V (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. st_vjerr st_vjstr st_vjlim
st_us u-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the u (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes. st_userr st_usstr st_uslim
st_gs g-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the g (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes. st_gserr st_gsstr st_gslim
st_rs r-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the r (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes. st_rserr st_rsstr st_rslim
st_is i-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the i (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes. st_iserr st_isstr st_islim
st_zs z-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the z (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes. st_zserr st_zsstr st_zslim
st_j2 J-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the J (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. st_j2err st_j2str st_j2lim
st_h2 H-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the H (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. st_h2err st_h2str st_h2lim
st_k2† Ks-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the K (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. st_k2err st_k2str st_k2lim
st_wise1 WISE 3.4um [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.4um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. st_wise1err st_wise1str st_wise1lim
st_wise2 WISE 4.6um [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.6um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. st_wise2err st_wise2str st_wise2lim
st_wise3 WISE [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. st_wise3err st_wise3str st_wise3lim
st_wise4 WISE [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. st_wise4err st_wise4str st_wise4lim

Color Columns

Column Name
Column Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Displayed String Name Limit Column
st_bmvj B-V (Johnson) [mag] Color of the star as measured by the difference between B and V (Johnson) bands. st_bmvjerr st_bmvjstr st_bmvjlim
st_jmh2 J-H (2MASS) [mag] Color of the star as measured by the difference between J and H (2MASS) bands. st_jmh2err st_jmh2str st_jmh2lim
st_hmk2 H-Ks (2MASS) [mag] Color of the star as measured by the difference between H and K (2MASS) bands. st_hmk2err st_hmk2str st_hmk2lim
st_jmk2 J-Ks (2MASS) [mag] Color of the star as measured by the difference between K and K (2MASS) bands. st_jmk2err st_jmk2str st_jmk2lim

Last updated: 19 November 2021