Data Columns in the K2 Planets and Candidates Table

The following table lists all of the data columns in the K2 Planets and Candidate Table (k2pandc) that can be accessed through the interactive table and the archive's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service.

Some definitions include more specific information:

  • Uncertainties (positive and negative)
  • Limits

Positional Information comes from the EPIC Catalog. Photometry and color data comes from the EPIC, 2MASS, and WISE catalogs.

† Default column: these columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.

Digital Object Identifier

If you use archive data or services for your research, please include the following Digital Object Identifier (DOI) as part of your acknowledgment:

DOI 10.26133/NEA19

See Acknowledging the Archive for dataset-specific language. See the full list of NASA Exoplanet Archive DOIs for other data sets and services.


Skip to a subsection:


System Composition

Planet Discovery


Planet Parameters

Stellar Data

System Data

Additional Data



Column Name
Column Label Description
pl_name† Planet Name Exoplanet Archive default name for confirmed planets
hostname† Host Name Stellar name most commonly used in the literature
pl_letter Planet Letter Letter assigned to the planetary component of a planetary system
k2_name K2 ID Name assigned by the Exoplanet Archive for planets discovered by K2
epic_hostname EPIC Name Name of the star as given by the EPIC Catalog
hd_name HD ID Name of the star as given by the Henry Draper Catalog
hip_name HIP ID Name of the star as given by the Hipparcos Catalog
tic_id TESS Input Catalog ID Name of the star as given by the TESS Input Catalog
gaia_id Gaia DR2 ID Name of the star as given by the Gaia Catalog
default_flag† Default Parameter Set Boolean flag indicating whether given set of planet parameters has been selected as default (1=yes, 0=no)
disposition† Archive Disposition Disposition updated by the Exoplanet Archive. Current values are CANDIDATE, FALSE POSITIVE [CANDIDATE], and CONFIRMED, and REFUTED [PLANET]. All candidates marked as CONFIRMED are also listed in the Exoplanet Archive Planetary Systems table.
disp_refname† Archive Disposition Reference Reference name for publication from which the Archive Disposition is drawn.

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


System Composition

Database Column Name Table Label Description
sy_snum† Number of Stars Number of stars in the planetary system
sy_pnum† Number of Planets Number of confirmed planets in the planetary system
sy_mnum Number of Moons Number of moons in the planetary system
cb_flag Circumbinary Flag Flag indicating whether the planet orbits a binary system (1=yes, 0=no)

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Planet Discovery

Database Column Name Table Label Description
discoverymethod† Discovery Method Method by which the confirmed planet or candidate was first identified
disc_year† Discovery Year Year the confirmed planet or candidate was discovered
disc_refname Discovery Reference Reference name for discovery publication
disc_pubdate Discovery Publication Date Publication Date of the confirmed planet or candidate discovery referee publication
disc_locale Discovery Locale Location of observation of confirmed planet or candidate discovery (Ground or Space)
disc_facility† Discovery Facility Name of facility of confirmed planet or candidate discovery observations
disc_telescope Discovery Telescope Name of telescope of confirmed planet or candidate discovery observations
disc_instrument Discovery Instrument Name of instrument of confirmed planet or candidate discovery observations

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.



Database Column Name Table Label Description
rv_flag Detections by Radial Velocity Variations Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits radial velocity variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no)
pul_flag Detected by Pulsar Timing Variations Boolean flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits pulsar timing variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no)
ptv_flag Detected by Pulsation Timing Variations Boolean flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits pulsation timing variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no)
tran_flag Detected by Transits Flag indicating if the planet transits its host star (1=yes, 0=no)
ast_flag Detected by Astrometric Variations Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits astrometrical variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no)
obm_flag Detected by Orbital Brightness Modulations Flag indicating whether the planet exhibits orbital modulations on the phase curve (1=yes, 0=no)
micro_flag Detected by Microlensing Boolean flag indicating if the planetary system acted as a lens during an observed microlensing event (1=yes, 0=no)
etv_flag Detected by Eclipse Timing Variations Flag indicating whether a circumbinary planet that orbits an eclipsing binary induces eclipse timing variations (ETVs) in the binary pair (1=yes, 0=no)
ima_flag Detected by Imaging Flag indicating if the planet has been observed via imaging techniques (1=yes, 0=no)
dkin_flag Detection by Disk Kinematics Boolean flag indicating if the presence of the planet was inferred due to its kinematic influence on the protoplanetary disk of its host star (1=yes, 0=no)
soltype† Solution Type Disposition of planet according to given planet parameter set
pl_controv_flag† Controversial Flag Flag indicating whether the confirmation status of a planet has been questioned in the published literature (1=yes, 0=no)

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Planet Parameters

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Limit Column
pl_refname† Planetary Parameter Reference Reference of publication used for given planet parameter set    
pl_orbper† Orbital Period [days] Time the candidate takes to make a complete orbit around the host star or system. (+) pl_orbpererr1
(-) pl_orbpererr2
pl_orbsmax† Orbit Semi-Major Axis [au] The longest radius of an elliptic orbit, or, for exoplanets detected via gravitational microlensing or direct imaging, the projected separation in the plane of the sky (+) pl_orbsmaxerr1
(-) pl_orbsmaxerr2
pl_rade† Candidate Radius [Earth radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the candidate to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Earth. (+) pl_radeerr1
(-) pl_radeerr2
pl_radj† Candidate Radius [Jupiter radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the candidate to its surface, measured in units of radius of Jupiter. (+) pl_radjerr1
(-) pl_radjerr2
pl_masse Planet Mass [Earth Mass] Amount of matter contained in the planet, (+) pl_masseerr1
(-) pl_masseerr2
pl_massj Planet Mass [Jupiter Mass] Amount of matter contained in the planet, measured in units of masses of Jupiter (+) pl_massjerr1
(-) pl_massjerr2
pl_msinie Planet Mass*sin(i) [Earth Mass] Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial velocity, measured in units of masses of the Earth (+) pl_msinieerr1
(-) pl_msinieerr2
pl_msinij Planet Mass*sin(i) [Jupiter Mass] Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial velocity, measured in units of masses of Jupiter (+) pl_msinijerr1
(-) pl_msinijerr2
pl_cmasse Planet Mass*sin(i)/sin(i) [Earth Mass] A calculated quantity indicating the quotient of the lower limit of the measured planet mass, denoted as its mass times the sine of its inclination, and the sine of its inclination, measured in units of the mass of the Earth. This is specified for references in which the inclination is provided as well as the planet mass limit, but the true mass is not reported. (+) pl_cmasseerr1
(-) pl_cmasseerr2
pl_cmassj Planet Mass*sin(i)/sin(i) [Jupiter Mass] A calculated quantity indicating the quotient of the lower limit of the measured planet mass, denoted as its mass times the sine of its inclination, and the sine of its inclination, measured in units of the mass of Jupiter. This is specified for references in which the inclination is provided as well as the planet mass limit, but the true mass is not reported. (+) pl_cmassjerr1
(-) pl_cmassjerr2
pl_bmasse† Planet Mass or Mass*sin(i) [Earth Mass] Best planet mass estimate available, in order of preference: Mass, M*sin(i)/sin(i), or M*sin(i), depending on availability, (+) pl_bmasseerr1
(-) pl_bmasseerr2
pl_bmassj† Planet Mass or Mass*sin(i) [Jupiter Mass] Best planet mass estimate available, in order of preference: Mass, M*sin(i)/sin(i), or M*sin(i), depending on availability, and measured in Jupiter masses (+) pl_bmassjerr1
(-) pl_bmassjerr2
pl_bmassprov† Planet Mass or Mass*sin(i) Provenance Provenance of the measurement of the best mass.    
pl_dens Planet Density [g/cm**3] Amount of mass per unit of volume of the planet (+) pl_denserr1
(-) pl_denserr2
pl_orbeccen† Eccentricity Amount by which the orbit of the planet deviates from a perfect circle (+) pl_orbeccenerr1
(-) pl_orbeccenerr2
pl_insol† Insolation Flux [Earth Flux] Insolation flux is another way to give the equilibrium temperature. It's given in units relative to those measured for the Earth from the Sun. (+) pl_insolerr1
(-) pl_insolerr2
pl_eqt† Equilibrium Temperature [K] The equilibrium temperature of the candidate as modeled by a black body heated only by its host star, or for directly imaged candidates, the effective temperature of the candidate required to match the measured luminosity if the candidate were a black body. (+) pl_eqterr1
(-) pl_eqterr2
pl_orbincl Inclination [deg] Angular distance of the orbital plane from the line of sight. (+) pl_orbinclerr1
(-) pl_orbinclerr2
pl_tranmid Time of Conjunction (Transit Midpoint) [days] The time given by the average of the time the candidate begins to cross the stellar limb and the time the candidate finishes crossing the stellar limb. (+) pl_tranmiderr1
(-) pl_tranmiderr2
pl_tsystemref Time Reference Frame and Standard Time system basis for temporal and orbital parameters    
ttv_flag† Data show Transit Timing Variations

Flag indicating if the planet orbit exhibits transit timing variations from another planet in the system (1=yes, 0=no).

Note: Non-transiting planets discovered via the transit timing variations of another planet in the system will not have their TTV flag set, since they do not themselves demonstrate TTVs.

pl_imppar Impact Parameter The sky-projected distance between the center of the stellar disc and the center of the candidate disc at conjunction, normalized by the stellar radius. (+) pl_impparerr1
(-) pl_impparerr2
pl_trandep Transit Depth [%] The size of the relative flux decrement caused by the orbiting body transiting in front of the star (+) pl_trandeperr1
(-) pl_trandeperr2
pl_trandur Transit Duration [hours] The length of time from the moment the candidate begins to cross the stellar limb to the moment the candidate finishes crossing the stellar limb. (+) pl_trandurerr1
(-) pl_trandurerr2
pl_ratdor Ratio of Distance to Stellar Radius Ratio of Semi-Major Axis to Stellar Radius (+) pl_ratdorperr1
(-) pl_ratdorerr2
pl_ratror Ratio of Planet to Stellar Radius Ratio of Candidate to Stellar Radius (+) pl_ratrorerr1
(-) pl_ratrorerr2
pl_occdep Occultation Depth [%] Depth of occultation of secondary eclipse (+) pl_occdeperr1
(-) pl_occdeperr2
pl_orbtper Epoch of Periastron [deg] The time of the planet's periastron passage (+) pl_orbtpererr1
(-) pl_orbtpererr2
pl_orblper Argument of Periastron [deg] The angular separation between the orbit's ascending node and periastron. Note: there are a varying conventions in the exoplanet literature regarding argument of periastron (or periapsis). For example, some publications refer the planet's orbit, others to the host star's reflex orbit, which differs by 180 deg. The values in the Exoplanet Archive are not corrected to a standardized system, but are as-reported for each publication. (+) pl_orblpererr1
(-) pl_orblpererr2
pl_rvamp Radial Velocity Amplitude [m/s] Half the peak-to-peak amplitude of variability in the stellar radial velocity (+) pl_rvamperr1
(-) pl_rvamperr2
pl_projobliq Projected Obliquity [deg] The angle between the angular momentum vector of the rotation of the host star and the angular momentum vector of the orbit of the planet, projected into the plane of the sky. Depending on the choice of coordinate system, projected obliquity is represented in the literature as either lambda (λ) or beta (β), where λ is defined as the negative of β (i.e., λ = -β). Since λ is reported more often than β, all values of β have been converted to λ. (+) pl_projobliqerr1
(-) pl_projobliqerr2
pl_trueobliq True Obliquity [deg] The angle between the angular momentum vector of the rotation of the host star and the angular momentum vector of the orbit of the planet (+) pl_trueobliqerr1
(-) pl_trueobliqerr2

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Stellar Data

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
Limit Column
st_refname† Stellar Parameter Reference Reference of publication used for given stellar parameter set    
st_spectype† Spectral Type Classification of the star based on their spectral characteristics following the Morgan-Keenan system    
st_teff† Effective Temperature [K] Temperature of the star as modeled by a black body emitting the same total amount of electromagnetic radiation

(+) st_tefferr1

(-) st_tefferr2

st_rad† Stellar Radius [Solar radii] Length of a line segment from the center of the star to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun.

(+) st_raderr1

(-) st_raderr2

st_mass† Stellar Mass [Solar mass] Amount of matter contained in the star, measured in units of masses of the Sun (+) st_masserr1
(-) st_masserr2
st_met† Stellar Metallicity [dex] Measurement of the metal content of the photosphere of the star as compared to the hydrogen content (+) st_meterr1
(-) st_meterr2
st_metratio Metallicity Ratio Ratio for the Metallicity Value ([Fe/H] denotes iron abundance, [M/H] refers to a general metal content)    
st_lum Stellar Luminosity [log(Solar)] Amount of energy emitted by a star per unit time, measured in units of solar luminosities (+) st_lumerr1
(-) st_lumerr2
st_logg† Stellar Surface Gravity Gravitational acceleration experienced at the stellar surface (+) st_loggerr1
(-) st_loggerr2
st_age Stellar Age [Gyr] The age of the host star (+) st_ageerr1
(-) st_ageerr2
st_dens Stellar Density [g/cm**3] Amount of mass per unit of volume of the star (+) st_denserr1
(-) st_denserr2
st_vsin Rotational Velocity v*sin(i) [km/s] Rotational velocity at the equator of the star multiplied by the sine of the inclination. (+) st_vsinerr1
(-) st_vsinerr2
st_rotp Stellar Rotational Period [days] The time required for the planet host star to complete one rotation, assuming it is a solid body (+) st_rotperr1
(-) st_rotperr2
st_radv Systemic Radial Velocity [km/s] Velocity of the star in the direction of the line of sight (+) st_radverr1
(-) st_radverr2

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


System Data

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
sy_refname† System Parameter Reference Reference of publication used for given system parameter set  
sy_pm Total Proper Motion [mas/yr] Angular change in position over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System (+) sy_pmerr1
(-) sy_pmerr2
sy_pmra Proper Motion (RA) [mas/yr] Angular change in right ascension over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System (+) sy_pmraerr1
(-) sy_pmraerr2
sy_pmdec Proper Motion (Dec) [mas/yr] Angular change in declination over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System (+) sy_pmdecerr1
(-) sy_pmdecerr2
sy_dist† Distance [pc] Distance to the planetary system in units of parsecs (+) sy_disterr1
(-) sy_disterr2


Parallax [mas] Difference in the angular position of a star as measured at two opposite positions within the Earth's orbit (+) sy_plxerr1
(-) sy_plxerr2
pl_nnotes Number of Notes Number of Notes associated with the planet. View all notes in the object's System Overview page.  
k2_campaigns K2 Campaigns The specific K2 campaigns in which the K2 target was observed  
k2_campaigns_num Number of K2 Campaigns The number of K2 campaigns in which the K2 target was observed  

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Position (Subset of System Data)

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
rastr† RA [sexagesimal] Right Ascension of the planetary system in sexagesimal format  
decstr† Dec [sexagesimal] Declination of the planetary system in sexagesimal notation  
ra RA [decimal] Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal degrees (+) raerr1
(-) raerr2
dec Dec [decimal] Declination of the planetary system in decimal degrees (+) decerr1
(-) decerr2
glat Galactic Latitude [deg] Galactic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees (+) glaterr1
(-) glaterr2
glon Galactic Longitude [deg] Galactic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees (+) glonerr1
(-) glonerr2
elat Ecliptic Latitude [deg] Ecliptic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees (+) elaterr1
(-) elaterr2
elon Ecliptic Longitude [deg] Ecliptic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees (+) elonerr1
(-) elonerr2

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Photometry (Subset of System Data)

Column Name
Table Label Description Uncertainties Column
(positive +)
(negative -)
sy_bmag B-band (Johnson) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the B (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_bmagerr1
(-) sy_bmagerr2
sy_vmag† V-band (Johnson) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the V (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_vmagerr1
(-) sy_vmagerr2
sy_jmag J-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the J (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_jmagerr1
(-) sy_jmagerr2
sy_hmag H-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the H (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_hmagerr1
(-) sy_hmagerr2
st_kmag† Ks-band (2MASS) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the K (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_kmagerr1
(-) sy_kmagerr2
st_umag u-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the u (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_umagerr1
(-) sy_umagerr2
sy_gmag g-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the g (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_gmagerr1
(-) sy_gmagerr2
sy_rmag r-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the r (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_rmagerr1
(-) sy_rmagerr2
sy_imag i-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the i (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_imagerr1
(-) sy_imagerr2
sy_zmag z-band (Sloan) [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the z (Sloan) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_zmagerr1
(-) sy_zmagerr2
sy_w1mag WISE 3.4um [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.4um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_w1magerr1
(-) sy_w1magerr2
sy_w2mag WISE 4.6um [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.6um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_w2magerr1
(-) sy_w2magerr2
sy_w3mag WISE [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_w3magerr1
(-) sy_w3magerr2
sy_w4mag WISE [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_w4magerr1
(-) sy_w4magerr2
sy_gaiamag† Gaia Magnitude Brightness of the host star as measuring using the Gaia band in units of magnitudes. Objects matched to Gaia using the Hipparcos or 2MASS IDs provided in Gaia DR2. (+) sy_gaiamagerr1
(-) sy_gaiamagerr2
sy_icmag I (Cousins) Magnitude Brightness of the host star as measured using the I (Cousins) band in units of magnitudes (+) sy_icmagerr1
(-) sy_icmagerr2
sy_tmag TESS Magnitude Brightness of the host star as measured using the TESS bandpass, in units of magnitudes (+) sy_tmagerr1
(-) sy_tmagerr2
sy_kepmag† Kepler-band [mag] Brightness of the host star as measured using the Kepler-band in units of magnitudes. (+) sy_kepmagerr1
(-) sy_kepmagerr2

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Dates (Subset of System Data)

Column Name
Column Label Description
rowupdate† Date of Last Update Date of last update of the planet parameters
pl_pubdate† Planetary Parameter Reference Publication Date Date of the publication of the given planet parameter set
releasedate† Release Date Date that the given planet parameter set was publicly released by the NASA Exoplanet Archive

Default column: These columns display in the interactive table when the table is first loaded, and when Reset Filters is clicked.


Additional Data

The parameters in this section are displayed when the interactive table is first loaded, when Reset Filters is clicked, or when a TAP query when all default columns are retrieved, but do not fit in any of the other categories listed on this page. All default columns on this page are noted with a †.

Column Name
Column Label Description
st_nphot Number of Photometry Time Series Number of photometric time series records, including planet transit light curves, general transit light curves, and amateur light curves
st_nrvc Number of Radial Velocity Time Series Number of literature radial velocity curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive
st_nspec Number of Stellar Spectra Measurements Number of literature spectra available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive
pl_nespec Number of Emission Spectroscopy Measurements Number of literature emission spectrum measurements for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive
pl_ntranspec Number of Transmission Spectroscopy Measurements Number of literature transmission spectrum measurements for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive

Last updated: 29 May 2024