Retrieving Exoplanet Archive Data With Table Access Protocol

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Synchronous and Asynchronous Queries
Constructing Synchronous TAP Queries
Using Spatial Constraints in Queries
Retrieving Table Schema
Best Practices
More Examples

The NASA Exoplanet Archive's TAP service allows users to programmatically access and retrieve data from some of its data tables as an alternative to the interactive web interface.

The Exoplanet Archive's TAP service is connected to the following tables:

Table NameTable Database NameData Column Documentation
Planetary Systems ps Definitions
Planetary Systems Composite Parameters pscomppars Definitions
TESS Project Candidates toi Definitions
Microlensing ml


Column names mapping document between old microlensing and new ML tables (for queries created before April 2021)

Stellar Hosts stellarhosts Definitions
Kepler Confirmed Names keplernames Definitions
K2 Confirmed Names k2names Definitions
K2 Planets and Candidates k2pandc


Column names mapping document (PDF) (CSV) between the new k2pandc and old k2candidates tables

Atmospheric Spectroscopy

This table replaced the Emission and Transmission Spectroscopy tables that were retired in July 2023.

For data column definitions in the new table, see page 5 of the User Guide tab within the tool interface

UKIRT ukirttimeseries Definitions
KELT Time Series kelttimeseries Definitions
SuperWASP Time Series superwasptimeseries Definitions
System Aliases Lookup Service

This is not a TAP service, but it replaces the object_aliases table by providing a complete list of all names associated with a specific object that the archive recognizes. The output is a structured JSON table (example).

This help document describes how to use the service.

HWO ExEP Precursor Science Stars di_stars_exep Definitions
Transiting Planets TD Definitions
KOI Cumulative Delivery cumulative Definitions
KOI Q1-Q6 Delivery q1_q6_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q8 Delivery q1_q8_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q12 Delivery q1_q12_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q16 Delivery q1_q16_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q17 DR24 Delivery q1_q17_dr24_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q17 DR25 Delivery q1_q17_dr25_koi Definitions
KOI Q1-Q17 DR25 Supplemental Delivery q1_q17_dr25_sup_koi Definitions
TCE Q1-Q12 Delivery q1_q12_tce Definitions
TCE Q1-Q16 Delivery q1_q16_tce Definitions
TCE Q1-Q17 DR24 Delivery q1_q17_dr24_tce Definitions
TCE Q1-Q17 DR25 Delivery q1_q17_dr25_tce Definitions
Kepler Stellar keplerstellar Definitions
Kepler Stellar Q1-Q12 Delivery q1_q12_ks Definitions
Kepler Stellar Q1-Q16 Delivery q1_q16_ks Definitions
Kepler Stellar Q1-Q17 DR24 Delivery q1_q17_dr24_ks Definitions
Kepler Stellar Q1-Q17 DR25 Delivery q1_q17_dr25_ks Definitions
Kepler Stellar DR25 Supplemental Delivery q1_q17_dr25_sup_ks Definitions
Kepler Time Series keplertimeseries Definitions
K2 Stellar Targets k2targets Definitions

More archive tables will be transitioned to TAP in the coming months. To programmatically retrieve data from archive tables not currently supported by TAP, such as the Mission Stars table, please use the archive's existing application programming interface (API).

About Table Access Protocol

Table Access Protocol (TAP) is a recommended standard developed by the Virtual Astronomy community and now maintained by the International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA). The TAP technical specification is on the IVOA website (

The archive's TAP service uses Structured Query Language (SQL), and the output can be formatted in VOTable (votable), comma-separated values (csv), tab-separated values (tsv), or JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). You may also select output columns and perform functions on the results.


Synchronous and Asynchronous Queries

In a nutshell, a synchronous query runs until it completes, and then streams the results back. An asynchronous query runs in the background and gives you a place to check whether your job is done, rather than streaming results back directly.

The archive's TAP service supports both synchronous and asynchronous queries, but the two tables currently supported are small enough so synchronous queries should be adequate. However, we do recommend using a TAP client when downloading large data sets (e.g., the entire Planetary Systems table) in the default VOTable format because some web browsers may struggle to display all of the data.


Constructing Synchronous TAP Queries

TAP is a URL-based HTTP web service, so the query can be entered directly into a web browser. TAP-compatible clients and software like TOPCAT and PyVO, and TAP+ all work with the Exoplanet Archive TAP service. A list of valid queries are given at the end of this document.

Regardless of TAP client, all queries must have valid ADQL, which takes the form:
SELECT <column list> FROM <table> WHERE <constraints>

To construct a synchronous TAP query:

(Required) Step 1: Start with the base service URL.

  • For web browsers:
  • For clients such as TOPCAT and pyVO:

(Required) Step 2: Next, add the query argument using the required select and from ADQL statements (in this order).

  • select specifies which columns to return. An asterisk (*) tells the system to return all columns.
  • from specifies the database table.

In the following example, the entire Planetary Systems table is returned in VOTable format:*+from+ps

Alternatively, you can name specific columns (separated with commas, no spaces) to return if you don't want the entire table. Here is a revised example that returns only data in the Planet Name (pl_name), Planet Mass (pl_masse), Right Ascension (ra) and Declination (dec) columns:.,pl_masse,ra,dec+from+ps

Note that for encoding purposes, all spaces in the SQL should be replaced with a plus (+) symbol.

(Optional) Step 3: Add more constraints using the where clause.

The where clause, though optional, allows you to include more complex constraints in your query by using AND, OR, and parentheses. Here are some examples:

Enter this...To specify this...
dec > 0. Planets that have a declination greater than 0 degrees
pl_masse between 0.5 and 2.0 Planets that have a mass between 0.5 and 2.0 Earth masses
discoverymethod = 'Radial Velocity' Planets that were discovered by the radial velocity method

lower(soltype) like '%conf%'

upper(soltype) like '%CONF%'

All planets listed as confirmed in lower-case in the soltype column of the database table

All planets listed as confirmed in upper-case in the soltype column of the database table

default_flag=1 Show only the default solution
pl_rade < = 2 Planets with Earth radii less than or equal to 2 Rearth
pl_orbper > = 1000 Planets with orbital periods greater than or equal to 1000 days

So, our example query that returns the planet names, masses, and coordinates for all confirmed planets of about Earth size would read:

(Optional) Step 4 : Specify the output file format.

Unless otherwise specified, query results are automatically returned as a VOTable. Other supported formats:

Format Name Parameter
JSON json
TSV tsv
CSV csv
VOTable votable

So, returning to our example from Step 3, we append the query to specify CSV format:,pl_masse,ra,dec+from+ps


Using Spatial Constraints In Queries

TAP also allows you to include ADQL-style spatial constraints using custom functions in the WHERE clause to define a circle, box, or polygon region.

In the following example, the query directs TAP to find and return all records in the Planetary Systems table where the point defined by the ra and dec columns in the database table for a circle, box, and polygon area based on the coordinates of Proxima Centauri (217.42896,-62.67947).

For this shape... Define the area as... Using this query...
Circle Inside a 0.1-degree circle*+from+ps
Box Same center as a circle, and a size of 0.1 x 0.1 degrees,ra,dec+from+ps
Polygon Give the coordinates of four corners, rather than the center,ra,dec+from+ps

The spatial constraints act like any other other constraint (e.g., dec > 0.) in that they can appear mixed in with the regular relational constraints and inside AND/OR and parenthesis constructs. For more information about ADQL geometric constraints, see the IVOA document.


Retrieving Table Schema

The TAP service provides information about the tables being served, including table names, column names, and data types. To compose a query, you need to know the table names, column names, and types. The TAP_SCHEMA can be queried like the other tables in order to return information about the data tables.

Some examples:

Use This Query... To Return This... A comprehensive XML document of all tables, column names, and metadata available through the archive's TAP service. select+schema_name+from+TAP_SCHEMA.schemas

Lists of available schemas (sets of tables) through TAP select+schema_name,table_name+from+TAP_SCHEMA.tables A list of available tables select+*+from+TAP_SCHEMA.columns+%20where+table_name+like+ %27ps%27 Returns basic information on the Planetary Systems table, such as column names, column type, width, format, etc.

Note: The PS and PSCompPars Table Data Column Definitions Document also provides this information.

More information about the TAP_SCHEMA specification is in this IVOA document.


Best Practices

  • Always specify a table, i.e., select+*+from+ps or select+*+from+pscomppars

  • Encode special characters in web queries, including plus signs (+) as %2B, %27 for a single quotation mark ( ' ), and %20 for a space. Note that most web browsers will automatically encode queries entered into their search field and some utility programs, such as wget (but not curl), will do so as well.

  • Queries must be on a single line. Line breaks in the examples given in this document are for display purposes only.

  • Be aware of case-sensitivity: ADQL and Oracle table and column names are not case-sensitive. However, values like CONFIRMED or CANDIDATE are case-sensitive, as well as object names (e.g., "eps CrB b"). Query the TAP schema to verify capitalization, or use the upper() and lower() functions and wildcards (%) if you're unsure about capitalization.

  • Use a TAP client when returning large data sets. If you're downloading the entire PS or PSCompPars tables in VOTable format, your web browser may struggle to display all of the results. Try using a client like TOPCAT, pyVO, or TAP+.


More Examples

Count the total number of confirmed planets, from PS table

All confirmed planets found by TESS, from PS Table:*+from+ps+where+disc_facility+=+'Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS)'

Confirmed planets, listed alphabetically, that have been detected by transit method, from PS Table:

All Earth-sized planets (R<=1.8 Rearth) that have a mass measurement (pl_masse > 0.) from PS Table:,pl_name,pl_rade,pl_masse+from+ps+where+pl_rade+<+=+1.8+and+pl_masse+>+0

All confirmed planets with the best mass (as identified by the archive) and their reference, and with an orbital period with semi-major axis and their references, and with more than one star in the system, and the best planet mass is less than or equal to 13, listed in order of best mass in descending order, from PSCompPars Table:,pl_bmassj,pl_bmassj_reflink,pl_orbsmax,pl_orbsmax_reflink,sy_snum +from+pscomppars+where+sy_snum+>+1+and+pl_bmassj+<=+13+order+by+pl_bmassj+desc

Last updated: 26 February 2024