The Exoplanet Archive Team

Jessie Christiansen, Science Lead

Doug McElroy, Task Lead

John Good, System Architect and Developer

Julian van Eyken, Archive Scientist

Aurora Kesseli, Archive Scientist

Marcy Harbut, Technical Writer

Meca Lynn, Developer

Megan Crane, Developer

Melanie Swain, Developer

Mike Lund, Developer

Mike Papin, Developer

Nick Susemiehl, Data Analyst

Raymond Tam, Data Analyst

Ricky Nilsson, Developer

Toba Oluyide, System Administrator

Student Contributors

The archive would like to thank and acknowledge the following students for their valuable contributions:

Adrienne Vescio

Dominic Yurk

Eric Lin

Madeleine Heideman

Mason MacDougall

Matas Kulikauskas

Matthew Arena

Mohammed Khalil

Naylynn Tañón Reyes

Noah Ferich

Sofia Melian-Morse

Victor Venturi

Last updated: 1 August 2022