Pre-generated API Queries

This page contains a collection of pre-generated URLs that will return data through the Exoplanet Archive's Table Access Protocol (TAP) service and Application Programming Interface (API). The URLs can be copied and pasted into a web browser (for https:// queries) or a command-line interface (for wget queries). Note that you must have wget installed for wget queries.

Note: The default file format for all of the queries on this page is IPAC table format. To change formats, refer to the instructions in the File Format section of the API User Guide.

To request a specific pre-built query for this page, please submit a Helpdesk ticket.

To Do This... Copy This...
All planetary solutions for confirmed planets with all columns from the Planetary Systems Table. Output is in comma separated (csv) format.*+from+ps&format=csv
wget "
+*+from+ps&format=csv" -O "confirmed_planets.csv"
Return a single planetary solution for confirmed planets with all columns from the Planetary Systems Composite Parameters Table. Output is in json format.*+from+pscomppars&format=json
wget "*+from+pscomppars&format=json" -O "confirmed_planets.json"
Return a list of stars known to host exoplanets. Output is a fixed-column width (IPAC format) and sorted in ascending order.
wget "
&format=ipac" -O "stars_hosting_exoplanets.tbl"
Find the default planetary solution for all confirmed planets discovered by Kepler. Output is in VOTable format in ascending order of planet name.*+from+ps+where +default_flag+=+1+and+disc_facility+LIKE
wget "*+from+ps+where
+default_flag+=+1+and+disc_facility+LIKE+'Kepler'+order+by+pl_name+asc+&format=votable" -O "confirmed_kepler_field.xml"
Return all columns for the default solution in the Planetary Systems Table for confirmed planets that transit their host stars. Output is in tab-separated format, sorted alphabetically by the host star name.*+from+ps+where+tran_flag=1+and+default_flag=1+order+by
wget "*+from+ps+where+tran_flag=1+and+default_flag=1+order
+by+pl_name&format=tsv" -O "planets_transit_host.tbl"
Return a current list of non-confirmed Kepler planet candidates from the KOI Cumulative list. (Utilizes the old API and will soon be replaced with a TAP query.)
wget "
&where=koi_disposition like 'CANDIDATE'" -O "nonconf_planet_cand.tbl"
Return a list of K2 targets from the K2 Campaign 5. (Utilizes the old API and will soon be replaced with a TAP query.)
wget "
=k2_campaign=5" -O "k2_targets_c0.tbl"
Return all default parameters for one particular KOI in the KOI Cumulative table. (Utilizes the old API and will soon be replaced with a TAP query.)'K00007.01'
OR kepoi_name='K00742.01'
wget "
'K00007.01' OR kepoi_name='K00742.01' -O "koi_OR.tbl"
Return a list of microlensing planets from the Planetary Systems Composite Parameters table where the number of photometric time series in the archive is non-zero.,st_nphot+from+pscomppars+where+discoverymethod
wget ",st_nphot+from+pscomppars+where+discoverymethod
+like+%27%25Micro%25%27+and+st_nphot%3E0&format=tsv" -O "micro_ts.tbl"
Find Kepler planetary candidates from the KOI Cumulative Table smaller than 2Re with equilibrium temperatures between 180–303K. (Utilizes the old API and will soon be replaced with a TAP query.)<2 and koi_teq>180
and koi_teq<303 and koi_disposition like 'CANDIDATE'
wget "<2 and
koi_teq>180 and koi_teq<303 and koi_disposition like 'CANDIDATE'" -O "koi_teff_180-303.tbl"
Return all parameters from Planetary Systems Composite Parameters Table for confirmed planets discovered by TESS. Output is in JSON, formatted and sorted in descending order by orbital period.*+from+pscomppars+where+disc_facility+like+%27%25TESS%25%27
wget "*+from+pscomppars+where+disc_facility+like
+%27%25TESS%25%27+order+by+pl_orbper+desc&format=json'" -O "TESS_planes.json"


Last updated: 19 May 2021