The following table lists all of the data columns in the Exoplanets table (exoplanets
) that can be returned through the Exoplanet Archive's application programming interface (API), or when using the Interactive Visualizer to view data on confirmed planets.
There are similar documents for the Kepler Objects of Interest (KOI) table and for the Threshold-Crossing Events (TCE) table.
Some data include more specific information that can also be retrieved as separate calls in the API. These include:
The stellar parameters listed for circumbinary planets (e.g. Kepler 16) are for the primary star.
Skip to a subsection:_______________________________________________
Database Column Name |
Table Label | Description | Uncertainties Column (positive +) (negative -) |
Displayed String Name | Limit Column | Flag Column | Number of Measurements |
pl_hostname† | Host Star Name | Stellar name most commonly used in the literature. | |||||
pl_letter† | Planet Letter | Letter assigned to the planetary component of a planetary system. | |||||
pl_discmethod† | Discovery Method | Method by which the planet was first identified. | |||||
pl_pnum† | Number of Planets in System | Number of planets in the planetary system. | |||||
pl_orbper† | Orbital Period (days) | Time the planet takes to make a complete orbit around the host star or system. | (+) pl_orbpererr1 (-) pl_orbpererr2 |
pl_orbperstr | pl_orbperlim | pl_orbpern | |
pl_orbsmax† | Orbit Semi-Major Axis (AU) | The longest radius of an elliptic orbit. | (+) pl_orbsmaxerr1 (-) pl_orbsmaxerr2 |
pl_orbsmaxstr | pl_orbsmaxlim | pl_orbsmaxn | |
pl_orbeccen† | Eccentricity | Amount by which the orbit of the planet deviates from a perfect circle. | (+) pl_orbeccenerr1 (-) pl_orbeccenerr2 |
pl_orbeccenstr | pl_orbeccenlim | pl_orbeccenn | |
pl_orbincl† | Inclination (deg) | Angular distance of the orbital plane from the line of sight. | (+) pl_orbinclerr1 (-) pl_orbinclerr2 |
pl_orbinclstr | pl_orbincllim | pl_orbincln | |
pl_massj† | Planet Mass (Jupiter mass) | Amount of matter contained in the planet, measured in units of masses of Jupiter. | (+) pl_massjerr1 (-) pl_massjerr2 |
pl_massjstr | pl_massjlim | pl_massn | |
pl_msinij† | Planet M*sin(i) (Jupiter mass) |
Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial
velocity, measured in units of masses of Jupiter. |
(+) pl_msinijerr1 (-) pl_msinijerr2 |
pl_msinijstr | pl_msinijlim | pl_msinin | |
pl_radj† | Planet Radius (Jupiter radii) |
Length of a line segment from the center of the planet
to its surface, measured in units of radius of Jupiter. |
(+) pl_radjerr1 (-) pl_radjerr2 |
pl_radjstr | pl_radjlim | pl_radn | |
pl_dens† | Planet Density (g/cm**3) | Amount of mass per unit of volume of the planet. | (+) pl_denserr1 (-) pl_denserr2 |
pl_densstr | pl_denslim | pl_densm | |
pl_ttvflag† | TTV Flag | Flag indicating if the planet orbit exhibits transit timing variations from another planet in the system (1=yes, 0=no). | |||||
pl_kepflag† | Kepler Field Flag |
Flag indicating if the planetary system
signature is present in data taken with
the Kepler mission (1=yes, 0=no). |
ra_str† | RA (sexagesimal) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in sexagesimal format. | st_posn | ||||
dec_str† | Dec (sexagesimal) | Declination of the planetary system in sexagesimal notation. | st_posn | ||||
ra | RA (decimal degrees) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
dec | Dec (decimal degrees) | Declination of the planetary system in decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
st_dist† | Distance (pc) | Distance to the planetary system in units of parsecs. | (+) st_disterr1 (-) st_disterr2 |
st_diststr | st_distlim | st_plxblend | st_distn |
st_vj† | V-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the V (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. | st_vjerr | st_vjstr | st_vjlim | st_vjblend | |
st_teff† | Effective Temperature (K) |
Temperature of the star as modeled by a
black body emitting the same total amount
of electromagnetic radiation. |
(+) st_tefferr1 (-) st_tefferr2 |
st_teffstr | st_tefflim | st_teffblend | st_teffn |
st_mass† | Stellar Mass (solar mass) | Amount of matter contained in the star, measured in units of masses of the Sun. | (+) st_masserr1 (-) st_masserr2 |
st_massstr | st_masslim | st_massblend | st_massn |
st_rad† | Stellar Radius (solar radii) |
Length of a line segment from the center of the star
to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun. |
(+) st_raderr1 (-) st_raderr2 |
st_radstr | st_radlim | st_radblend | st_radn |
hd_name† | HD Name | Name of the star as given by the Henry Draper Catalog. | |||||
hip_name† | HIP Name | Name of the star as given by the Hipparcos Catalog. |
Database Column Name |
Table Label | Description | Uncertainties Column (positive +) (negative -) |
Displayed String Name | Limit Column | Flag Column | Number of Measurements |
pl_name | Planet Name | Planet name most commonly used in the literature. | |||||
pl_tranflag | Planet Transit Flag | Flag indicating if the planet transits its host star (1=yes, 0=no) | |||||
pl_rvflag | Planet RV Flag |
Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits radial
velocity variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no) |
pl_imgflag | Planet Imaging Flag | Flag indicating if the planet has been observed via imaging techniques (1=yes, 0=no) | |||||
pl_astflag | Planet Astrometry Flag |
Flag indicating if the planet host star exhibits
astrometrical variations due to the planet (1=yes, 0=no) |
pl_omflag | Orbital Modulation Flag |
Flag indicating whether the planet exhibits orbital modulations on the phase curve (1=yes, 0=no) |
pl_cbflag | Circumbinary Flag |
Flag indicating whether the planet orbits a binary system (1=yes, 0=no) |
pl_orbtper | Time of Periastron (Julian Days) | The time at which the orbiting body is at its closest approach to the star it orbits (i.e. is at periastron). | (+) pl_orbtpererr1 (-) pl_orbtpererr2 |
pl_orbtperstr | pl_orbtperlim | pl_orbtpern | |
pl_orblper | Longitude of Periastron (deg) | The angular separation between the ascending node of the orbit and the location in the orbit of periastron. | (+) pl_orblpererr1 (-) pl_orblpererr2 |
pl_orblperstr | pl_orblperlim | pl_orblpern | |
pl_eqt | Planet Equilibrium Temperature (K) | Temperature of the planet as modeled by a black body heated only by its host star. | (+) pl_eqterr1 (-) pl_eqterr2 |
pl_eqtstr | pl_eqtlim | pl_eqtn | |
pl_insol | Insolation Flux [Earth flux] | Insolation flux is another way to give the equilibrium temperature. It's given in units relative to those measured for the Earth from the Sun. | (+) pl_insolerr1 (-) pl_insolerr2 |
pl_insolstr | pl_insollim | pl_insoln | |
pl_masse | Planet Mass (Earth mass) | Amount of matter contained in the planet, measured in units of masses of the Earth. | (+) pl_masseerr1 (-) pl_masseerr2 |
pl_massestr | pl_masselim | pl_massen | |
pl_msinie | Planet M*sini(i) (Earth mass) | Minimum mass of a planet as measured by radial velocity, measured in units of masses of Earth. | (+) pl_msinieerr1 (-) pl_msinieerr2 |
pl_msiniestr | pl_msinielim | pl_msinien | |
pl_rade† | Planet Radius (Earth radii) | Length of a line segment from the center of the planet to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Earth. | (+) pl_radeerr1 (-) pl_radeerr2 |
pl_radestr | pl_radelim | pl_raden | |
pl_rads | Planet Radius (solar) | Length of a line segment from the center of the planet to its surface, measured in units of radius of the Sun. | (+) pl_radserr1 (-) pl_radserr2 |
pl_radsstr | pl_radserrlim | pl_radsn | |
pl_trandep | Transit Depth (percentage) | The size of the relative flux decrement caused by the orbiting body transiting in front of the star. | (+) pl_trandeperr1 (-) pl_trandeperr2 |
pl_trandepstr | pl_trandeplim | pl_trandepn | |
pl_trandur | Transit Duration (days) | The length of time from the moment the planet begins to cross the stellar limb to the moment the planet finishes crossing the stellar limb. | (+) pl_trandurerr1 (-) pl_trandurerr2 |
pl_trandurstr | pl_trandurlim | pl_trandurn |
pl_tranmid | Transit Midpoint (Julian days) | The time given by the average of the time the planet begins to cross the stellar limb and the time the planet finishes crossing the stellar limb. | (+) pl_tranmiderr1 (-) pl_tranmiderr2 |
pl_tranmidstr | pl_tranmidlim | pl_tranmidn | |
pl_tsystemref | Time System Reference | ||||||
pl_occdep | Occultation Depth | Depth of occultation of secondary eclipse | (+) pl_occdeperr1 (-) pl_occdeperr2 |
pl_occdepstr | pl_occdeplim | pl_occdepn | |
pl_ratdor | Planet-Star Distance over Star Radius | The distance between the planet and the star at mid-transit divided by the stellar radius. For the case of zero orbital eccentricity, the distance at mid-transit is the semi-major axis of the planetary orbit. | (+) pl_ratdorperr1 (-) pl_ratdorerr2 |
pl_ratdorstr | pl_ratdorlim | pl_ratdorn | |
pl_ratror | Planet-Star Radius Ratio | The planet radius divided by the stellar radius. | (+) pl_ratrorerr1 (-) pl_ratrorerr2 |
pl_ratrorstr | pl_ratrorlim | pl_ratrorn | |
pl_disc | Year of Discovery | Year the planet was discovered. | |||||
pl_status | Status | Status of the planet (1 = announced, 2 = submitted, 3 = accepted, 0 = retracted). | |||||
pl_mnum | Number of Moons in System | Number of moons detected in the planetary system. | |||||
pl_st_npar | Number of Stellar and Planet Parameters | Number of Stellar and Planet Parameters | |||||
pl_st_nref | Number of Stellar and Planet References | Number of Stellar and Planet References | |||||
pl_pelink | Link to Exoplanet Encyclopaedia | It links to the planet page in the Exoplanet Encyclopaedia. | |||||
pl_edelink | Link to Exoplanet Data Explorer | It links to the planet page in Exoplanet Data Explorer. | |||||
pl_publ_date | Publication Date | Publication Date of the planet discovery referee publication. | |||||
rowupdate | Date of Last Update | Date of last update of the planet parameters. |
Database Column Name |
Table Label | Description | Uncertainties Column (positive +) (negative -) |
Displayed String Name | Limit Column | Flag Column | Number of Measurements |
st_rah | RA (hours) | Right Ascension of the planetary system in decimal hours. | st_raherr | st_posn | |||
st_glon | Galactic Longitude (deg) | Galactic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
st_glat | Galactic Latitude (deg) | Galactic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
st_elon | Ecliptic Longitude (deg) | Ecliptic longitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
st_elat | Ecliptic Latitude (deg) | Ecliptic latitude of the planetary system in units of decimal degrees. | st_posn | ||||
st_plx |
Parallax (mas) | Difference in the angular position of a star as measured at two opposite positions within the Earth's orbit. | (+) st_plxerr1 (-) st_plxerr2 |
st_plxstr | st_plxlim | st_plxblend | st_plxn |
st_pmra | RA Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in right ascension over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. | st_pmraerr | st_pmrastr | st_pmralim | st_pmrablend | st_pmn |
st_pmdec | Dec Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in declination over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. | st_pmdecerr |
st_pmdecstr | st_pmdeclim | st_pmdecblend | st_pmn |
st_pm | Proper Motion (mas/yr) | Angular change in position over time as seen from the center of mass of the Solar System. | st_pmerr |
st_pmstr | st_pmerrlim | st_pmerrblend | st_pmn |
st_radv | Radial Velocity (km/sec) | Velocity of the star in the direction of the line of sight. | (+) st_radverr1 (-) st_radverr2 |
st_radvstr | st_radvlim | st_radvblend | st_radvn |
st_spstr | Stellar Spectral Type | Classification of the star based on their spectral characteristics following the Morgan-Keenan system. | st_ssperr | st_spstr | st_ssplim | st_sspblend | st_spn |
st_logg | Surface Gravity | Gravitational acceleration experienced at the stellar surface. | (+) st_loggerr1 (-) st_loggerr2 |
st_loggstr | st_logglim | st_loggblend | st_loggn |
st_lum | Luminosity [log(solar)] | Amount of energy emitted by a star per unit time, measured in units of solar luminosities. | (+) st_lumerr1 (-) st_lumerr2 |
st_lumstr | st_lumlim | st_lumblend | st_lumn |
st_dens | Stellar Density [g/cm**3] | Amount of mass per unit of volume of the star. | (+) st_denserr1 (-) st_denserr2 |
st_densstr | st_denslim | st_densn | |
st_metfe | Stellar Metallicity (dex) | Measurement of the metal content of the photosphere of the star as compared to the hydrogen content. | (+) st_metfeerr1 (-) st_metfeerr2 |
st_metfestr | st_metfelim | st_metfeblend | st_metfen |
st_metratio | Metallicity Ratio | Ratio for the Metallicity Value ([Fe/H] denotes iron abundance, [M/H] refers to a general metal content) | |||||
st_vsini | Rotational Velocity v*sin(i) [km/s] | Rotational velocity at the equator of the star multiplied by the sine of the inclination. | (+) st_vsinierr1 (-) st_vsinierr2 |
st_vsinistr | st_vsinilim | st_vsiniblend | st_vsinin |
st_acts | Stellar Activity Index (S-Index) | Chromospheric activity as measured by the S-index (ratio of the emission of the H and K Ca lines to that in nearby continuum). | st_actserr | st_acsstr | st_actslim | st_actsblend | st_actsn |
st_actr | Stellar Activity Log (R'HK) | Chromospheric activity as measured by the log(R' HK) index, with is based on the S-index, but excludes the photospheric component in the Ca lines. | st_actrerr | st_actsstr | st_actrlim | st_actrblend | st_actrn |
st_actlx | x-ray Activity (Lx)" | Stellar activity as measured by the total luminosity in X-rays. | st_actlxerr | st_actlxstr | st_actlxlim | st_actlxblend | st_actlxn |
swasp_id | SWASP Identifier | Name of the star as given by the SuperWASP (Wide Angle Search for Planets) project. | |||||
st_nts | Number of Time Series | Number of literature time series available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive | |||||
st_nplc | Number of Planet Transit Light Curves | Number of literature transit light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. | |||||
st_nglc | Number of General Light Curves | Number of Hipparcos light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. | |||||
st_nrvc | Number of Radial Velocity Light Curves | Number of literature radial velocity curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. | |||||
st_naxa | Number of Amateur Light Curves | Number of literature amateur light curves available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. | |||||
st_nimg | Number of Images | Number of literature images available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. | |||||
st_nspec | Number of Spectra | Number of literature of spectra available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
Database Column Name |
Table Label | Description | Uncertainties Column (positive +) (negative -) |
Displayed String Name | Limit Column | Flag Column | Number of Measurements |
st_uj | U-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the U (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. | st_ujerr | st_ujstr | st_ujlim | st_ujblend | |
st_bj | B-band (Johnson) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the B (Johnson) band in units of magnitudes. | st_bjerr | st_bjstr | st_bjlim | st_bjblend | |
st_rc | R-band (Cousins) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the R (Cousins) band in units of magnitudes. | st_rcerr | st_rcstr | st_rclim | st_rcblend | |
st_ic | I-band (Cousins) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the I (Cousins) band in units of magnitudes. | st_icerr | st_icstr | st_iclim | st_icblend | |
st_j | J-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the J (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_jerr | st_jstr | st_jlim | st_jblend | |
st_h | H-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the H (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_herr | st_hstr | st_hlim | st_hblend | |
st_k | Ks-band (2MASS) [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the K (2MASS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_kerr | st_kstr | st_klim | st_kblend | |
st_wise1 | WISE 3.4um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.4um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. | st_wise1err | st_wise1str | st_wise1lim | st_wise1blend | |
st_wise2 | WISE 4.6um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.6um (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. | st_wise2err | st_wise2str | st_wise2lim | st_wise2blend | |
st_wise3 | WISE [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. | st_wise3err | st_wise3str | st_wise3lim | st_wise3blend | |
st_wise4 | WISE [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the (WISE) band in units of magnitudes. | st_wise4err | st_wise4str | st_wise4lim | st_wise4blend | |
st_irac1 | IRAC 3.6um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 3.6um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. | st_irac1err | st_irac1str | st_irac1lim | st_irac1blend | |
st_irac2 | IRAC 4.5um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 4.5um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. | st_irac2err | st_irac2str | st_irac2lim | st_irac2blend | |
st_irac3 | IRAC 5.8um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 5.8um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. | st_irac3err | st_irac3str | st_irac3lim | st_irac3blend | |
st_irac4 | IRAC 8.0um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 8.0um (IRAC) band in units of magnitudes. | st_irac4err | st_irac4str | st_irac4lim | st_irac4blend | |
st_mips1 | MIPS 24um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 24um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_mips1err | st_mips1str | st_mips1lim | st_mips1blend | |
st_mips2 | MIPS 70um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 70um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_mips2err | st_mips2str | st_mips2lim | st_mips2blend | |
st_mips3 | MIPS 160um [mag] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 160um (MIPS) band in units of magnitudes. | st_mips3err | st_mips3str | st_mips3lim | st_mips3blend | |
st_iras1 | IRAS 12um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 12um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. | st_iras1err | st_iras1str | st_iras1lim | st_iras1blend | |
st_iras2 | IRAS 25um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 25um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. | st_iras2err | st_iras2str | st_iras2lim | st_iras2blend | |
st_iras3 | IRAS 60um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 60um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. | st_iras3err | st_iras3str | st_iras3lim | st_iras3blend | |
st_iras4 | IRAS 100um [Jy] | Brightness of the host star as measured using the 100um (IRAS) band in units of Jy. | st_iras3err | st_iras4str | st_iras3lim | st_iras3blend | |
st_photn | Number of Photometry Measurements | Number of photometry measurements available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
Database Column Name |
Table Label | Description | Uncertainties Column (positive +) (negative -) |
Displayed String Name | Limit Column | Flag Column | Number of Measurements |
st_umbj | U-B (Johnson) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between U and B (Johnson) bands. | st_umbjerr | st_umbjstr | st_umbjlim | st_umbjblend | |
st_bmvj | B-V (Johnson) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between B and V (Johnson) bands. | st_bmvjerr | st_bmvjstr | st_bmvjlim | st_bmvjblend | |
st_vjmic | V-I (Johnson-Cousins) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between V (Johnson) and I (Cousins) bands. | st_vjmicerr | st_vjmicstr | st_vjmiclim | st_vjmicblend | |
st_vjmrc | V-R (Johnson-Cousins) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between V (Johnson) and R (Cousins) bands. | st_vjmrcerr | st_vjmrcstr | st_vjmrclim | st_vjmrcblend | |
st_jmh2 | J-H (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between J and H (2MASS) bands. | st_jmh2err | st_jmh2str | st_jmh2lim | st_jmh2blend | |
st_hmk2 | H-Ks (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between H and K (2MASS) bands. | st_hmk2err | st_hmk2str | st_hmk2lim | st_hmk2blend | |
st_jmk2 | J-Ks (2MASS) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between K and K (2MASS) bands. | st_jmk2err | st_jmk2str | st_jmk2lim | st_jmk2blend | |
st_bmy | b-y (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the difference between b and y (Stromgren) bands. | st_bmyerr | st_bmystr | st_bmylim | st_bmyblend | |
st_m1 | m1 (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the m1 (Stromgren) system. | st_m1err | st_m1str | st_m1lim | st_m1blend | |
st_c1 | c1 (Stromgren) [mag] | Color of the star as measured by the c1 (Stromgren) system. | st_c1err | st_c1str | st_c1lim | st_c1blend | |
st_colorn | Number of Color Measurements | Number of color measurements available for this star in the NASA Exoplanet Archive. |
Last updated: 6 May 2015