2025 Exoplanet Archive News

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This page contains a summary of the current calendar year's Exoplanet Archive news. For other news archives by year, see the 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, and 2011-12 archives.

For a compilation of periodic tips that have appeared in past news items, see the Tip Archive.

To view only the most recently added planets and updated parameters (default and non-default), see this pre-filtered and pre-sorted interactive table.

March 13, 2025

Seven New Planets, Including Three More Around Barnard's Star and super-Earth GJ 3998 d!

This week's seven new planets include three found orbiting Barnard's Star, the closest single-star system to Earth. Read the University of Chicago media release and the discovery paper for details and then check out the Barnard's Star System Overview page for data on the star and its four planets. (The new planets are Barnard c, d, & e.)

Another newsy addition is GJ 3998 d, a super-Earth in the habitable zone of a nearby red dwarf, making the planet an excellent candidate for atmospheric studies. More details are in the IAC media release and the discovery paper.

The other new planets are KOI-1843.03, TOI-512 b, and TOI-2015 c. There are also new parameters for BD+00 444 b (TOI-2443 b). Access all of this week's new data in the system overview pages and in the Planetary Systems and Planetary Systems Composite Data tables.

News panel image credit: International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/R. Proctor/J. Pollard

March 6, 2025

Thank You, Radial Velocity!

This week's release was made possibe by the radial velocity technique: multiple TOIs were confirmed with radial velocity follow-up. One noteworthy planet from that batch is TOI-2537 b because it partially orbits in its star's habitable zone. Also, Jovian GJ 2126 b—which has a very eccentric orbit around an M0 star—is an RV-only discovery.

Learn more about the TOI confirmations in Tala Pinto et al. and Heidari et al.; details on GJ 2126 b are described in a separate paper.

The other new planets are: TOI-2295 b & c, TOI-2328 b, TOI-2537 c, TOI-3837 b, TOI-5027 b, TOI-5110 b, and TOI-6628 b.

Click on the planet names view their System Overview pages, or browse all system parameters in the archive (including this week's new sets) with the Planetary Systems and Planetary Systems Composite Data tables.

News panel image credit: Fig. 20 of Heidari et al. 2025

February 27, 2025

Five New Planets, Including an Extremely Close Orbiter, and an L 98-95 Spectrum

We've added five new planets and one spectrum, as well as a number of parameter updates.

One of the planets is Gl 725 A b which, at a distance of 11.4 light years, is the seventh closest known orbiting planet.

In addition we have released KOBE-1 b and c, the first planets from the KOBE project.

The last two planets are GJ 341 b, an Earth-sized planet, and K2-99 c. Click on their names to go directly to their System Overview pages, or browse all system parameters in the archive (including this week's new sets) with the Planetary Systems and Planetary Systems Composite Data tables.

We have included parameter updates for 14 planets in four systems:

There is also a new spectrum for the L 98-59 system, where volcanic activity may be driving atmosphere creation! The new spectrum can be found in the Atmospheric Spectroscopy Table.

News panel image credit: J. Lillo-Box

February 14, 2025

Two New Gaia Planets and TRAPPIST-1 Spectrum!

We've added Gaia-4 b and Gaia-5 b, a super-Jupiter and a brown dwarf that orbit low-mass stars—a scenario considered extremely rare and a discovery made possible by Gaia astrometry. Learn more in the media release and discovery paper.

There are also new spectra for five planets—including a spectrum from the TRAPPIST-1 system! Check out the Atmospheric Spectroscopy Table for spectra from L 98-59 c, HD 95086 b, WASP-19 b, and TRAPPIST-1 b. The Observatoire de Paris has also issued a media release on the TRAPPIST-1 b spectroscopy.

News panel image credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC/M. Marcussen

January 31, 2025

Three Planets Added, Including a Nearby Super-Earth Orbiting a Sun-like Star

This week's release has three new planets and one spectrum, as well as one planet demoted to false positive planet.

One of the new planets is in the HD 20794 system located just 20 light-years from Earth. HD 20794 f (published as planet d by the discovery paper) has an eccentric, 647-day orbit that crosses into the host star's habitable zone. Learn more in the media release.

The same paper includes a published refutation of HD 20794 c, which the archive has demoted to False Positive Planet. The object's new status is reflected on its System Overview page, which will continue to serve its data.

The other new planets are WASP-132 d and K2-360 c. Click on their names to go directly to their System Overview pages, or browse all system parameters in the archive (including this week's new sets) with the Planetary Systems and Planetary Systems Composite Data tables.

We've also added a new spectrum for WASP-17 b to our Atmospheric Spectroscopy Table. (Pro Tip: You can access the table from the planet's Planetary Parameters section of its System Overview page.)

News panel image credit: Gabriel Pérez (IAC)

January 24, 2025

Jupiters, Jupiters, come get your Jupiters!

This week's release has 11 new planets. They are HD 101581 b, HD 101581 c, TOI-6038 A b, HD 73344 c, HD 73344 d, TOI-5108 b, TOI-5786 b, TOI-1295 b, TOI-2580 b, TOI-6016 b and TOI-6130 b. Click on a planet name to view its System Overview page, or use either the Planetary Systems table or its companion the Planetary Systems Composite Data table to view, filter, sort, and download data.

January 14, 2025

New Year, New Planets

In our first release of 2025, we are adding 8 new planets, multiple spectra for 1 planet, and updated parameters for 2 planets.

The new planets are TOI-6383 A b, TOI-5688 A b, TOI-4504 b, c & d, KMT-2024-BLG-1044L b, KMT-2022-BLG-2286L b, and KMT-2023-BLG-1743L b.

The systems with updated parameters are HD 113337 c and HD 38529 c.

The new data can be accessed on the System Overview pages, or browse the updates in the Planetary Systems and Planetary Systems Composite Data tables.

We have added newly published JWST spectra for the hot super-Earth L 168-9 b, which can be accessed via the Atmospheric Spectroscopy Table.